This is the destination that is attracting more and more Belgians for the autumn holidays

This is the destination that is attracting more and more Belgians for the autumn holidays
This is the destination that is attracting more and more Belgians for the autumn holidays

That’s it, autumn vacation is almost here! And they will be longer this year since the reform of school holidays, at least in the French-speaking part of the country. They will in fact extend from Monday October 21 to Friday November 1. Result ? French speakers are more tempted than ever to go for a short week in the sun before winter sets in. The Corendon travel agency has also observed a significant increase in the number of reservations during the autumn holidays in Belgium.

On the same subject: this idyllic destination is the sunniest in Europe

No more departures in the sun since the extension of the autumn holidays

Yes, the extra week of vacation has changed consumption habits. “Those who have two weeks of vacation and want to go for a week in the sun can be more flexible with their departure dates. We therefore see that for most reservations in French-speaking Belgium, travelers opt for a departure on Monday or Tuesday given that flight prices are then generally a little lower. In Flanders, because there is only one week of vacation, you have no choice but to go on the weekend, when prices are automatically higher. We notice that this extra week of vacation really makes a difference. »

Which does not prevent the Flemings from also traveling en masse. We observe that they do not reserve less than in previous years, on the contrary. However, the differences between Flanders and Wallonia are practically erased this year, whereas in the past, the number of reservations in Flanders was two to three times higher than in Wallonia.

Egypt in sight

Traditionally, the most popular destinations are Turkey, Egypt and the Canary Islands (Tenerife and Gran Canaria in the lead), countries where you are sure to have sun. This fall, Egypt in particular is hot, with 27% more bookings compared to last year’s fall vacation. Did you do it at the last minute? According to Coredon, there would still be availability in Egypt, Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The same goes for those attracted by Turkey, although the offer for this country is a little less important.

Attendance at Egypt had declined significantly in recent months. Tourists cooled by the conflict between Hamas and Israel shunned the country. “We then observed a sudden drop in reservations, i.e. -90%, then a period of wait-and-see”confided Raouf Ben Slimane, president of the tour operator Ôvoyages, to Le Figaro. Today, tourists seem ready to return.

Especially since the best months to go to Egypt are between October and March. This avoids the heatwaves of June, July, August and September. We also enjoy exceptional sites without the influx of tourists. In autumn, temperatures there are around 25-35 degrees. Cities like Cairo, Luxor and Aswan generally have little chance of precipitation. Concerning the security aspect, there is no danger in traveling to the country, provided of course that you travel to the right places. The Nile Valley, the Hurghada region, as well as stays in Cairo, Alexandria and large cities in general, are considered risk-free. Conversely, travel in the desert area, from the Libyan border in the west to the Sudanese border in the south, is strictly discouraged.



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