Risk of “floods”: A second department on red alert

Risk of “floods”: A second department on red alert
Risk of “floods”: A second department on red alert

Exceptional floods are expected on the Nieds (Moselle) and on the Vezouze (Meurthe-et-Moselle).

Meurthe-et-Moselle was placed on red “flood” alert on Saturday afternoon by Météo France, i.e. the same level of vigilance as for the neighboring department of Moselle, affected by significant flooding since Friday.

The significant rain observed led to a reaction from the Vezouze”, indicates Vigicrues in its bulletin, referring to an “exceptional flood in the Lunéville sector” where the rise in the water level “continues this Saturday”.

“A reaction equivalent to the flood of October 4, 2006 is expected,” specifies Vigicrues.

The Bas-Rhin department is, for its part, placed on orange alert for this same risk.

In the event of red alert, VigiMeteoFrance reminds us, very significant flooding is possible, including in rarely flooded areas.

Traffic conditions can be made extremely difficult across the entire road or rail network.

Power outages of varying duration may occur. Phenomena of breakage or overflowing of dikes may occur.



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