Lebanon: more than 400,000 children displaced in three weeks according to UNICEF

Lebanon: more than 400,000 children displaced in three weeks according to UNICEF
Lebanon: more than 400,000 children displaced in three weeks according to UNICEF

While Hezbollah and Israel have still not buried the hatchet, Lebanese women and children living near the areas of hostilities are suffering the horrors of violence.

It is now in this makeshift tent set up on a thoroughfare in Beirut, the Lebanese capital, that this woman must live with her family.

Several women have been forced to leave their homes, just like her, as the Israeli army steps up its operations against Hezbollah. Those who are pregnant pay a high price.

”We know that when conflict erupts, pregnant women often lose the support system they rely on to receive appropriate antenatal care, get the tests they need in case of complications, and of course deliver safely. security. The fact that we have already witnessed a very serious case, such as in the streets of Beirut, tells us that the phenomenon is more widespread in Lebanon. So we need to make sure that pregnant women have the essential services they need to carry out their pregnancies and give birth safely, and to care for their babies once they are born,” says Tess Ingram, UNICEF spokesperson for the Middle East and North Africa.

Children are not accommodated in the best of accommodations. They struggle to continue their education due to the violence. While 400,000 of them have been displaced by hostilities over the past three weeks, according to a statement made by UNICEF on Monday.

”Today, 1.2 million children are deprived of education. Their public schools have been made inaccessible, damaged by war or used as shelters. The last thing this country needs, on top of everything it’s been through, is the risk of a lost generation,” says Ted Chaiban, deputy executive director for humanitarian efforts at UNICEF.

A decimated generation without a doubt too. In the last three weeks alone, more than 100 children have been killed while more than 800 have been injured, according to Unicef.



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