Philippe Katerine confirms he is the cousin of the French Minister of the Interior

Philippe Katerine confirms he is the cousin of the French Minister of the Interior
Philippe Katerine confirms he is the cousin of the French Minister of the Interior

Lhe singer Philippe Katerine is a (very) distant cousin of the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau. The artist reacted to this revelation with humor, and took the opportunity to denounce his migration policy.

Singer Philippe Katerine hit the headlines this summer after his performance naked and painted blue during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Difficult to imagine that the crazy artist belongs to the family of the austere Minister of the Interior LR Bruno Retailleau. And yet… The genealogy site cross-referenced its data to affirm that the two men are distant cousins, revealed The Western Mail last week.

“They did the thing”

With a lot of humor, Philippe Katerine reacted to this “revelation” during his weekly column on Inter, this Thursday. He made a point of recalling that many celebrities shared common roots: Beyoncé and Elisabeth II, Robert Ménard and Emmanuel Macron, Pascal Légitimus and Laurent Voulzy… To the background of the famous Gym Tonic hit Toutoutouyoutou, Philippe Katerine sings: “I am cousin of ‘an unclear celebrity, Bruno Retailleau (…) This is the 8e generation. In 1779, just before the Vendée War, two of our ancestors did the thing and here we are in 2024, cousins. »

Before inventing his childhood in the same family as the minister… and at the same time attacking him on his migration policy: “I remember little Bruno, even if he is eight years older than me (…) He spoke better than anyone could ever speak but was already saying the same things… like: no, immigration is not an opportunity for France. » Comments made by the minister at the end of September, when he said he wanted to reduce the number of regularizations of undocumented immigrants in the country.

Philippe Katerine concluded his column by singing to the tune of Born somewhereby Maxime Forestier: “You don’t choose your parents, you don’t choose your family. We are all cousins ​​of Bruno Retailleau, because only 7,000 generations separate us from the first homo sapiens in Ethiopia. There you go, sorry! »

Also read
France: with Bruno Retailleau at the Interior, Michel Barnier’s very right turn



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