Tebboune’s new hateful compulsion against Morocco

Tebboune’s new hateful compulsion against Morocco
Tebboune’s new hateful compulsion against Morocco

Wednesday May 8, while Algeria celebrated “Memory Day” which commemorates the painful massacres, 70 years ago, of Sétif, Guelma and Kherrata, the Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, diverted this moment of contemplation, by transforming it into an electoral campaign among the senior officers of the Algerian army, whom he designated as the “worthy heirs” of the anti-colonial resistance.

In need of legitimacy, the Algiers regime, or “political-military system built on a memorial income”, as French President Emmanuel Macron described it in 2021, continues to rewrite History as it wishes.

At the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense, where he went yesterday, in the absence of any member of his government and in the presence of only senior army officials, Tebboune gave a brief speech in which he knowingly and went completely off topic by speaking about the Moroccan Sahara twice in front of his audience all in khaki.

Read also: Funny: Tebboune declares that “the Sahara issue is a question of principle”

He first asked himself, through completely twisted reasoning, how “Algeria could have defended the Palestinians, the Sahrawis and the countries of Africa», if it had chosen the path of external debt. Understand who can, even if in Tebboune’s mind, an indebted country has no sovereignty, thereby ignoring that these are the most sovereign states and the most powerful economies in this world, the United States, Japan and Great Britain in the lead, which carries the most colossal debts on the planet. In fact, Algeria has a large internal debt that the regime’s propaganda strives to hide. But this concerns, after all, this country which produces no wealth and exports exclusively fossil fuels!

We will appreciate in passing this old discovery of Boumediene, which the guardians of the system continue to nourish: the false analogy between the legitimate Palestinian cause and what the regime of Algiers calls the “Sahrawi cause” which it has been trying – in vain for more than of four decades – of anchoring Palestine with lies. Even the rag which serves as the Polisario’s standard is a facsimile of the Palestinian flag.

On the other hand, the Algerian president placed himself at odds, not only with his memorial subject of the day, but with the decisions of the UN itself and with the evolution of the Sahara issue by ignoring it. holding to a hackneyed discourse that dates from the last century. While the Sahara was decolonized more than 48 years ago, on the basis of the Madrid Tripartite Agreement of November 1975, Tebboune remains a prisoner of his own contradictions. Has he not asked Spain, on numerous occasions, to administer or recolonize the Sahara once again, which is in itself a recognition that this territory has indeed been decolonized in accordance with the rules of international law?

Read also: Tebbouneries: Algerian president says Spain offered the Sahara to Algeria

Less than a year ago, and more precisely on June 23, 2023, Antonio Guterres, current Secretary General of the UN, himself confirmed, in front of students at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po ), that the Sahara was decolonized in 1975, at a time when the Polisario did not even exist. Good connoisseur of this issue, especially during the time when he was United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, from June 2005 to December 2015, a period during which he continued to demand a census of the Sahrawis in the Tindouf and Guterres camps. also affirmed, but without citing them, that it is Algeria and the Polisario which are blocking any solution to the Sahara issue. “This issue is blocked by those who block“, he said in substance.

Pretending to ignore that a global consensus is being formed around the recognition of the Moroccan nature of the Sahara, Tebboune also affirmed in his speech to General Saïd Chengriha and his company, that the UN must organize a referendum in Sahara. An option long since abandoned on the recommendation of the former special envoy of the UN Secretary General to the Sahara, Peter van Walsum, who concluded, in April 2008 before the Security Council, that a referendum is unfeasible in the Sahara and that the The independence of this territory is impossible.

Today, the Algerian regime continues to turn a deaf ear and bury its head in the sand in the face of all UN decisions relating to the Sahara. This is how he openly rejected, through official press releases from the presidency and the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two of the last three Security Council resolutions, namely resolutions 2548 of October 31, 2021 and 2654 of October 2022. Resolution 2703 of last October was not openly rejected by the Algerian regime, which remained discreet on the eve of its entry into the Security Council as a new non-permanent member.

Read also: Tebboune rambles again: “Morocco-Algerian relations have reached a point of no return”

But we must give thanks to Tebboune, when he declared yesterday that “Algeria will never let go of the Sahrawi people», thus providing yet another proof that the main party in conflict with Morocco is indeed Algeria. Everyone knows that there is no Sahrawi people and that Tebboune’s proclamation actually means that “Algeria will never give up Western Sahara“. We knew it, but it’s better when the political facade shouts it peremptorily in front of the khaki green leaders of the junta.

These new declarations from Tebboune on the Sahara come just after the incredible episode of the great uproar that Algiers has just made because of a complete map of Morocco legally inlaid on the jersey of the Renaissance sportive club of Berkane, which came there two weeks in Algiers to play a semi-final of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Cup. The argument brandished by the Algiers regime to explain to Algerians the confiscation of the Moroccan team jerseys: “national sovereignty is a red line“. Therefore, Algeria’s sovereignty would cover the Atlantic Sahara. There too, it had to be said!

The Algiers regime should above all continue on this path. Because soon, he will make the Polisario invisible and inaudible.



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