Israel: Peace, a sweet illusion

Israel: Peace, a sweet illusion
Israel: Peace, a sweet illusion

The creation of a Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, seems to be the only way to ensure stability in the region. This solution, long advocated by the international community, remains the most realistic way to end a conflict that has lasted too long. The speech addressed last Saturday by King Mohammed VI to participants in the 15th Summit Conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Banjul, Gambia, goes in this direction.

The Sovereign, as Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, not only unwaveringly supports the Palestinian cause, but also embodies regional leadership in the quest for a peaceful solution to this conflict. This is why he underlines the urgency of concerted action to put an end to the aggression against Gaza and promote peace in the region, while urging “the creation of favorable conditions to relaunch a genuine peace process, leading to on the internationally agreed two-state solution.

And the King added that “(…) the discourse on the future of the Gaza Strip is only coherent if hostilities cease and the suffering of the Palestinian people is relieved. Indeed, the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the unified Palestinian territories and therefore constitutes a Palestinian affair. It must, therefore, according to the vision of the two-state solution and in accordance with the relevant international resolutions, live in peace and enjoy independence.

However, the path to peace is hampered by the intransigence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Its stubborn refusal to seriously consider a two-state solution demonstrates a political will based on repression rather than “reconciliation.” The consequences of this policy are devastating, with an escalation of violence which leaves thousands dead and injured, mainly on the Palestinian side. Heartbreaking images of innocent civilians killed in indiscriminate attacks fuel anger and tend to bury any prospect of peace.

Especially since they deepen political divisions and historical rivalries between Israelis and Palestinians. Additionally, regional and international geopolitical interests, as well as ongoing disagreements over issues such as borders, settlements and the status of Jerusalem add a complex dimension to the search for a lasting solution. Hence this observation: peace between Israel and Palestine remains wishful thinking.

D. William

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