the father of nonuplets born in Morocco three years ago gives their news

the father of nonuplets born in Morocco three years ago gives their news
the father of nonuplets born in Morocco three years ago gives their news

In May 2021, a young Malian woman gave birth to nine babies in a Moroccan clinic. Three years later, they are all doing well, as their father told RFI.

Three years after their birth, the nonuplets are all “doing very well”. On May 4, 2021, a young 25-year-old Malian woman from Timbuktu gave birth by cesarean section to five girls and four boys in a clinic in Casablanca, Morocco.

On the occasion of the babies’ third birthday, their father spoke to RFI to give their news.

“Really everything is going very well overall. In terms of health, they are all doing very well,” Abdelkader Arby explains to our colleagues.

At the time, the mother had to be transferred from Bamako to Casablanca for follow-up more adapted to the risks of this multiple pregnancy. On ultrasound, doctors detected only seven babies.

The smallest weighed 500 grams

Born extremely premature, the smallest weighing only 500 grams, the nine brothers and sisters now live in Bamako with their parents who are waiting for them to grow up so they can return to Timbuktu, their “city of heart”.

In the meantime, parents are supported by nannies, housekeepers and other relatives in their house made available by the Malian government since December 2022.

“They don’t sleep together and they don’t wake up together either. But once one or two wake up, they wake up the others… necessarily. 1:30 p.m., 2 p.m. is nap time. Everyone seeks to rest until around 4 p.m.,” explains the dad.

“Girls always come from their daddy’s side, boys [rires] come from the mother’s side. They don’t have the same character. But that doesn’t matter, we give each of them everything we can in hugs and love,” he confides again.

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