journalist Bob van Dillen rescues a woman trapped in the water live

journalist Bob van Dillen rescues a woman trapped in the water live
journalist Bob van Dillen rescues a woman trapped in the water live
Capture d’écran Fox Weather In the United States, Fox weather channel journalist Bob van Dillen rescued a woman victim of storm Helene in the middle of his appearance on the air.

Capture d’écran Fox Weather

In the United States, Fox weather channel journalist Bob van Dillen rescued a woman victim of storm Helene in the middle of his appearance on the air.

UNITED STATES – Never in more than a century has it rained so much in Atlanta, the capital of the American state of Georgia. With storm Hélène, which left death in its path across a large southeastern quarter of the country, certain roads were transformed into death traps. Which didn’t scare Bob van Dillen, a reporter for the Fox Weather Channel.

While he was in the middle of a duplex on the edge of a submerged road, the man explained to his companions at the station that he had alerted the emergency services, a woman uttering heartbreaking screams in the background after having drove into a flooded area. As you can see belowBob van Dillen then tries to reassure this woman, telling her: “ It’s going to be okay, everything’s okay! I notified the emergency services, it’s going to be okay! »

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But faced with this woman’s cries of terror, the journalist decides “ to go see if he can do anything to help her ”, as he calmly says to the camera. What’s next? The camera films, a few moments later, the reporter taking the driver out of her car to bring her back to dry land.

« She was freezing, we put her in a car and I gave her my jacket », then explained the hero of the day, taking the microphone again. And for good reason: having ventured too far, this woman saw the water rise to the level of her neck.

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« I just took my wallet out of my pocket and jumped in the water », he also said, visibly unmoved by his own act of bravery, which still saw him wading with water up to his shoulders. And to add that his rescue was ultimately not that terrible, in the absence of violent current and thanks to an appreciable water temperature. “ Just another day at the office »as the Americans say.

Also see on le HuffPost :

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