What does learning more about sexual aggressors mean to you? – rts.ch

What does learning more about sexual aggressors mean to you? – rts.ch
What does learning more about sexual aggressors mean to you? – rts.ch

Abbé Pierre, Pelicot trial, two cases that raise this question: who are the sexual aggressors? In the case of the accused in the Pelicot trial, ordinary men, sometimes married and fathers, between 23 and 70 years old. In the case of Abbé Pierre, a Catholic icon of solidarity. For 7 years, the victims have been speaking out, but what do we know about the aggressors? Does shame really change sides?

What does learning more about sexual aggressors mean for you? / What does it mean for you? / 4 min. / today at 10:02

“No means no” is the spirit of the new definition of rape that came into force last July in Switzerland. There was talk of introducing the notion of explicit consent, but it was ultimately not retained. The same goes for the French definition of rape, where this point has become the main line of defense for some of Dominique Pélicot’s co-accused.

In French law, it is not necessary to have obtained the victim’s consent for there to be no rape. For there to be rape, it is necessary for the perpetrator’s guilty intent to be demonstrated.

Guillaume de Palma, defense lawyer Info, September 10

People accused of raping a woman sedated by her husband can therefore argue that they thought she was “pretending to be asleep” as a libertine game.

And you in all this?

These news items help to break down stereotypes around the figure of the aggressor. They highlight the notions of control, consent, power relations, chemical submission, all tools to recognize this violence, denounce it and ask for help.

Claire Burgy

Published at 10:47 Amended at 10:56



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