Large families finally back on TF1, these new tribes that join the program

Large families finally back on TF1, these new tribes that join the program
Large families finally back on TF1, these new tribes that join the program

New season, new families … the show Large families: life in XXL Go make his return to TF1 this Monday, January 27. If the emblematic families of the program again responded to this ninth edition, like the Romero, Gonzalez, Boibessot, Baudrand, Cail and Bambara clans, new faces appear from the first two episodes, already available on TF1+. Viewers get to know three new tribes there: the Laforce, the Nguyen and the Ballot. New families will also make their appearances over the weeks, as the credits suggests with the Lecossais family, for the moment unknown to the program. Who are they? Télé-Loisirs tells you everything.

Large families : Who is the Ballot family?

In the first two episodes of the ninth season of Large families: life in XXLalready available on TF1+, three new tribes are revealed. Among these: The Ballot family and her five children, Gabin, Cléa, Marcus, Marceau and Luka, aged 3 to 13. The mother, Anaïs, 37, is a train controller, while her husband, Maxime, 38, exercises the profession of firefighter. The tribe crossed a real drama a few years ago … The day before his delivery, Anaïs lost her baby, that the couple decided to baptize Victor: “We have a sixth child who died the day before childbirth … It was a completely normal pregnancy, the pass began to open on weekends and on Monday I felt it more move“, Confides the mother, moved to tears, in the first episode of this season 9.

Large families: Hélène and her Nguyen reveal their daily lives as parents of twelve children

Among the new ones of this ninth season, Hélène and her Nguyen also join the adventure. Face camera, the housewife and the maintenance advisor entrust: “People, when they discover the number of children we have, they hallucinate. ” It must be said that they are at the head of a very large family … Parents of 12 children (Loan, Ines, Waren, Liam, Willy, Jaden, Évé, Melon, Lindsay, Lorenzo, Lone and Noémie), they got into the habit of seeing things big. “”Our respective families do not understand our life choices“, Land on the mother. The two parents did not inform their loved ones that they had welcomed their twelfth child, six months old at the time of filming! “We don't have the courage to admit that we had a twelfth child”she says, tears in her eyes. With their participation in the show, the Nguyen hope that their respective families will finally be able to accept their great tribe, by discovering their joie de vivre on a daily basis.

Elsa Laforce, solo mom of five children, joins the adventure Large families

For its part, the Laforce family leads a life a hundred per hour … Solo mom, Elsa never stops. Between her professional life and her daily life in charge of mother of five, the young nurse does not take much rest : “I manage to chain 36 hours without sleeping, I have absolutely unsuspected resources“, She testifies. If Elsa presents herself on the show alongside Andrea, Jack, Victoria and Dove, the appearances of her eldest son, Joseph, 17, will be rarer.



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