In Niger, journalist Seyni Amadou still in police custody. The editor-in-chief of the private channel Canal 3 spent the night of Saturday January 18 to Sunday January 19 at the judicial police. He was arrested following the suspension of Canal 3 for a month, after the channel broadcast a barometer ranking ministers according to their performance in government.
This element distributed by Canal 3 is, however, a usual exercise that the channel repeats every year. But this time, the Ministry of Communication has decided to suspend the channel and its editor-in-chief Seyni Amadou has been questioned by the police since Saturday January 18.
According to Sadibou Marong, director of the West Africa office of the NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF), this tool is “ an element of a kind of fluoroscopy of ministers' performance where each minister receives a point based on these efforts ». For him, “ we cannot prohibit a media from passing judgment on the performance of ministers, taken individually and in the exercise of their functions, and what is more, they have an obligation, let's say, to report to the people ».
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