Before getting closer to Solène in The BrainVivian seemed to have set her sights on another reality TV candidate. For Tele-Leisurethe young man agreed to say more.
For those who had doubts: Vivian is still in the race! While The Brainthe W9 reality TV show was launched on December 9, and many have already left the competition, the candidate continues to dodge eliminations. And if he does not particularly shine during the general knowledge tests, the young man, who wishes to prove that one can succeed in life without studying, proves once again that he is an excellent candidate for tele- reality. And while in the episodes broadcast, he shows himself to be very close to Solène, it was another young woman who caught his eye at the beginning.
“Might as well combine business with pleasure“: a candidate from The Brain had some great assets in Vivian’s eyes
At the very beginning of the adventure, the former candidate of Fifty and finalist of the last edition of the Apprentice adventurers only had eyes for Carla Moreau. “It’s the perfect plan. She is young, rich and beautiful. While you’re at it, you might as well combine business with pleasure and guarantee yourself a warm retirement“, he tells us in a half-amused, half-serious tone. Vivian then rewards us with her keen sense of expression. “At the time, I was an old guy. Now I’m into the young rich“, he continues, full of second degree. Faced with the lack of interest expressed by the young woman towards him, the thirty-year-old has in any case completely changed his mind by getting closer to Solène.
“She is iconic” : Vivian (The Brain) showers Solène with praise and compares her to Jessica Thivenin
A little disappointed by the behavior of some in The BrainVivian had a huge revelation for Solène. “This is the new Jessica Thivenin. She is incredible: she spends her life falling, she can kiss one guy, then another, she doesn’t care about her image. She is iconic“, he describes it. Often very critical of some of his reality TV comrades, who according to him would be too careful about what they say and what they do and would therefore be “useless to programs“, Vivian rather promises a bright future to her crush The Brain. “Reality TV lacks funny people who are willing to do anything“, he concludes.