Friday December 20, 2024 in Tomorrow belongs to usalso available in streaming… Early in the morning, Victoire is on the phone with Samuel. She gives him news about Romane and asks him to buy drawing paper, because she is starting to run out of it. And precisely, while leafing through the sketches made by Romane (Giulia Sagnier), she comes across disturbing images: the young girl has scribbled several times a frightening monster with red eyes. In some drawings, we even see the creature in a hospital room…
Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Karim asks Rayane to forgive Romy
Rayane has changed since his reconciliation with Karim. The proof: he even prepared a gargantuan breakfast for Jack, Lizzie and Jordan! And he doesn’t even take advantage of it, preferring to go find Karim. At the Spoon, he and Rayane have a discussion like old times, happily teasing each other. They are happy to see each other again. It is then that Karim suggests to Rayane that she also forgive Romy. At the Christmas market, Karim confides to Alex that he has rediscovered his complicity with Rayane. But he doesn’t know if one day he will be able to create a father-son relationship with him. At high school, Rayane, as happy as ever, finds the gang. A little later, Karim pays his respects at Malik’s grave in the cemetery. He confides about Rayane and, having the impression of not having played his role as a big brother, expresses regret.
Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Roxane’s lovely surprise for Sara
Roxane admits to having sold her motorcycle on a whim. Either way, she’s not going to regret it: she hardly used it and the insurance was too expensive. But that doesn’t convince Sara, who almost regrets having it for walks. At the Spoon, Roxane comes to collect a package: it is an automatic pass for tolls on the highways. A little later, Roxane reveals her surprise to Sara: a ski trip! But she assures him: she did not sell her motorcycle to give him this vacation. Once alone with Bart, Sara confides to him that she is touched by everything Roxane does but that she has the impression that it is ultimately of no use. She thinks she’s too broken since her rape…
Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Terrified, Victoire is woken up in the middle of the night by screams…
At the police station, Georges tags Michaël when he arrives. He takes stock with him on the Fred Lecomte affair: he discovered that the boss of the chocolate factory had been prosecuted for illegal surveillance, the link with the fake clock in the break room is now clear. A little later, Samuel meets Victoire and Romane for lunch. He brought all the supplies to allow the young girl to draw. It is then that Victoire shows Romane a video that Lorena, her mother, has just sent her from prison. At the hospital, Michaël is at Fred’s bedside when he receives a visit from Chloé. She reassures him about the patient’s condition, he apologizes for the search of his house and for hiding from her that he was taking anxiolytics. But he assures him: he will get his act together and find a new home for himself and his children. As he prepares to leave, Michaël meets Samuel in the corridors. He asks her for news of little Romane. The discussion is calm but the tension is palpable. Back home, Samuel discovers the famous drawings of the monster made by Romane. With Victoire, he tries to understand its meaning. Evening has fallen. At the police station, Timothée found the explanation for Fred’s presence in Sète: when the pastry was sold, it was a Sète company which recovered all the stock and machines, including the fake clock containing the camera. monitoring. Romane’s uncle therefore went to Sète to recover the images that could exonerate his sister. Martin then asks Timothée to block all the phones of the former employees of the pastry shop: one of them may be the real culprit of the murder and also the person behind the attack on Fred.
Asleep on the living room sofa, Victoire is suddenly awakened by screams. They come from Romane. Panicked, Victoire rushes to her room…