Jean Dujardin as a masked vigilante from December 23, 2024 on France Televisions. Since September 6, 2024, the series Zorro is available on the platform Paramount+. But people who do not have subscriptions for this platform will soon be able to discover Nathalie Péchalat’s ex-companion in the role of Don Diego de la Vega, on the public service.
In fact, the 52-year-old actor and Audrey Dana, his on-screen partner, were guests of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine on C to you for the promotion of the series. The opportunity for the duo to reveal some filming secrets, more or less embarrassing.
Fights and injuries
Initially, Jean Dujardin and his partner wanted to return to the fight scenes, present in number in the series Zorro. Fight scenes which led to some injuries as revealed by the main parties involved.
Indeed, Audrey Dana indicated that she had injured Nathalie Péchalat’s ex-companion in the lip during a sword fight. “Too much enthusiasm”the actress laughed before defending herself: “It’s not my job as a swordsman.”
But after discussing the fight scenes, Jean Dujardin and the 47-year-old actress were questioned on another subject by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. The presenter of C to you calling out to his guests by saying: “And passion… in bed?”totally hilarious.
Intimate scenes between Jean Dujardin and Audrey Dana
Jean Dujardin, surprised and amused, then retorted: “But what’s wrong with you?” “No, but because we’re talking about behind the scenes of the shoot”the presenter tried to catch up, feeling uncomfortable.
Before continuing: “Apparently there were some intimate scenes that were more complicated to shoot than others.” But the main person recalled that he had known Audrey Dana for many years. In fact, with this one, “it’s not intimate at all anymore.”
“Oh no, no, it’s the intimacy of a shoot”the main interested party then cut it off before Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine added: “Yes because when you showed up naked with a mask, she didn’t resist.”
Still hilarious, Jean Dujardin finally managed to regain his seriousness to confide: “The advantage is that we’ve known each other for a very long time, we’re very friends. And it’s much simpler, it’s always more fun.”