The stalker who inspired the Netflix series is the target of a new complaint

The stalker who inspired the Netflix series is the target of a new complaint
The stalker who inspired the Netflix series is the target of a new complaint

Par Félicité Peyridieu

9 minutes ago,

Update just now

Jessica Gunning as Martha in My Little Reindeer on Netflix.
Ed Miller/Netflix / Ed Miller/Netflix

Since the release of the series in April 2024 on the video-on-demand platform, Fiona Muir-Harvey says she is threatened and denounces harassment. The woman now faces new charges.

The Netflix series tells the true story of Scottish man Richard Gadd, who is stalked by a woman named Martha, spying on and harassing Donny, the central character of My little reindeer . Identified by fans, Fiona Muir-Harvey, filed a defamation lawsuit against Netflix, seeking damages of $170 million (around €156 million).This statement (…) is the biggest lie in the history of television», The Scotswoman even said, emerging from the shadows, after numerous messages from fans.

Today, a new twist appears in the story across the Channel. Upon discovering Fiona Muir-Harvey during a television interview, a certain George Galloway, a former member of the British parliament, recognized in her a former stalker. Invited on the show “Piers Morgan Uncensored”, the 69-year-old politician revealed that he was filing a complaint against this woman who allegedly harassed him in the 1980s. Accusations that further complicate Fiona Muir-Harvey’s case.

Read alsoMy Little Reindeer: the woman who inspired the series demands $170 million from Netflix

The English politician said his harassment began shortly after he was elected MP for Glasgow Hillhead for the Labor Party. Fiona Muir-Harvey allegedly followed him and developed an obsessive approach towards him. “She was everywhere I turned my head,” even declared George Galloway. He also added that she called and came to his office “hundreds of times».

«She was just in my life when I didn’t want her to be.”he said. Initially thinking she was attracted to him, George Galloway quickly became afraid of this obsessive approach, although he never received any direct threats.

At the end of April, Richard Gadd had called on Instagram for fans of the series to stop trying to discover the identity of the characters. However, it seems that the situation has become more serious than expected. As for Netflix, the American giant is still moving forward: ” We intend to vigorously defend this case and defend Richard Gadd’s right to tell his story. ».



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