Fans of The Rookie have been waiting for this for years, the series has decided otherwise: “the internet is going to destroy me!” – News Series

Fans of The Rookie have been waiting for this for years, the series has decided otherwise: “the internet is going to destroy me!” – News Series
Fans of The Rookie have been waiting for this for years, the series has decided otherwise: “the internet is going to destroy me!” – News Series

In season 6 of “The Rookie,” Tim and Lucy encountered some issues that shocked fans. Melissa O’Neil (Lucy) and the show’s creator are now defending this controversial decision.

Spoiler alert! This article reveals key plot elements from “The Rookie: LA Cop” Season 6, Episode 6.

While Nathan Fillion may be the star of the hit ABC cop show, many fans’ hearts beat a little faster for two of his co-stars: Lucy Chen (Melissa O’Neil) and Tim Bradford (Eric Winter), who form the beloved couple known as “Chenford.” In the shortened sixth season of The Rookie, which ended its run last May after 10 episodes, a plot twist involving the power couple shocked fans.

For years, audiences have been hoping that the two colleagues would end up together, which they finally did in Season 5. And yet, their happiness wasn’t meant to last: and yes, Season 6 tore Chenford apart – a decision that was heavily criticized by many fans of the show.

What happened ?

Tim’s past has come back to haunt him. After finding out from a former military comrade that a man now known as Ray Watkins (David Dastmalchian) – a member of their unit who killed two of their comrades for money – was alive and not had not been killed in combat, Tim decides to stop him.

However, Ray threatens to report Tim and his comrade for knowingly falsifying military documents regarding his death, so that his family can receive death benefits. Tim, ashamed, has decided not to confide in Lucy, even going so far as to abruptly leave their date one night and disappear for 36 hours without any explanation.


The discord between Chen and Bradford then reached its climax when the lives of Lucy and Tamara (Dylan Conrique) were threatened: in fact, while Ray is arrested, an investigation is opened concerning Tim who therefore allegedly lied to him. army – a claim Tim vehemently denies during his disciplinary interview. After coming out of this ordeal with his job, but not his moral sense, Tim decides to break up with Lucy in the police station parking lot, believing that it is the best way to protect her personally and professionally. Lucy, like much of the audience, is in a state of shock.

The day we shot it, it was the last scene of the day, and there was a certain energy on set. Everyone was like, ‘Uh oh, Chenford is breaking up!’ [Rires.]“, said Melissa O’Neil to TV Guide. “Bill Roe, our director, was like, ‘Oh man, the Internet is going to destroy me!’, but I don’t think that’s the case. I think [les fans] are going to feel sad. One of the wonderful things about working with Bill is that he trusts us a lot, so he came over and said, ‘OK, what do you think? How do you feel?’ We worked with him that day, and then as we were working on the scene, there were a couple of things that I didn’t feel totally solid on, and I just wanted to have a little aside with Eric – just the two of us – to talk.

A plot long in the making

However, this decision had been planned for a long time. Melissa O’Neil said it was a plot that she, Eric Winter and series creator and showrunner Alexi Hawley had been building for most of Season 6. In fact, according to TV Guide, Hawley had been planning the split for some time.Eric Winter initiated this development because he wanted to take the relationship in new directions.”, explained the showrunner. “Many relationships in the series are very happy. But there must also be counter-examples that show that not everything always goes smoothly.

Pour Melissa O’Neilthe separation is understandable, especially from Tim’s point of view: “We’re talking about someone who is so fiercely independent as he is, and [il utilise cela comme] a protective mechanism. He also has this virtuous heart that wants to protect her. I think Bradford probably sees this as the most loving act he can do at that moment, because he’s also beating himself up and thinking that he’s not a very desirable human being – given his history that has resurfaced and that he was trying to bury, but is unstoppable and has resurfaced, and brought so much danger, including to the person he loves.

In another interview with TV Insider, Alexi Hawleyexplained his decision in more detail – and also what’s planned for season 7.

I think you have to find the adventure. For me, the joy of the show is that even when there are stakes, even when bad things happen, it’s still an adventure and it’s still entertaining. I think we have to continue on that path: What does it look like if they find their way back to a relationship, short term and then long term, which are not necessarily the same thing? The audience wants what they want, right, we know that from the history of television. It’s the wanting that’s the most dramatic. How do we get back to a place where we can have that again?

Returning to the narrative device that leaves fans wondering whether two characters will end up together or not: this is what the creator is trying to find again. Moreover, as he explained, in the police series, the goal is always to surprise the audience with unexpected twists and to take risks.

We’ve made some big changes and I love that we continue to challenge ourselves and, look, we’re doing even better, but at the same time, how can we lean more into the fact that everyone loves these characters? I feel super lucky that I get to have fun every week, even if we’re doing high-stakes stuff, tragic or whatever, that tonally, because we’re doing it all, allows us to really give you an episode every week that really keeps you on the edge of your seat.

What about the future of Chenford? The answer in season 7 which has already been confirmed, but which should not see the light of day before 2025 on ABC.

The first three seasons of The Rookie: Los Angeles Cop are currently streaming on Netflix.



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