Maxence (Secret Story) in a relationship with Perrine again? The two candidates spend vacation together

Today at 7:00 p.m. – by
Sorelle Again

Thursday June 27, Maxence, finalist of Secret Story 12, revealed behind the scenes of his vacation with Perrine.

On June 18th, the finale of the twelfth season of Secret Story. On the bench, four candidates were competing for victory: Maxence, Lou, Léo and Alexis. After long hours of waiting, it was only shortly after midnight that the public’s votes were counted. And it was by collecting 49% of the viewers’ votes that Alexis was crowned the big winner of this 2024 edition! But the young man’s opponents did not leave empty-handed, well, almost. Each pocketed their entire personal prize pool, i.e. 15,870 euros for Léo, 11,500 euros for Lou and finally, nothing for Maxence. Indeed, the insurance broker miscalculated his move since at the end of his adventure in the House of Secrets, he had spent every last cent of his prize pool!

Secret Story 12: what has happened to the relationship between Maxence and Perrine since the end of the show?

If the very principle of Secret Story is to lead a hunt for secrets, during each season, the participants often let themselves be carried away by budding feelings. During this twelfth edition, it was a love triangle that captivated viewers before tiring them. Indeed, the incessant ups and downs between Lou, Maxence and Perrine ended up annoying fans of the program. But once the season was over, Internet users still wanted to know what was going on. On June 21, the insurance broker confided in the subject.I went to the shared apartment yesterday and we talked for a long time. I apologized to her, and we mutually decided to end it there (even though she was much more in favor than I was). But everything is fine between her and me. We remain on good terms.“, he said on Instagram. However, Maxence’s latest publications on the Web have sown doubt.

Maxence (Secret Story) reveals the behind the scenes of his vacation with Perrine

On Thursday, June 27, in an Instagram story, Maxence posted a video of his boat trip. And while the scenery took Internet users’ breath away, they were left speechless when they saw Perrine’s cheerful face! Indeed, the two candidates of Secret Story offered themselves “holidays [qu’ils] deserved[nt]“. After sunbathing and a trip to the sea with the young woman, the candidate was amused to come across surveillance cameras on his route, reminding him of those present in the House of Secrets.”Oh no, here we go again!“, he exclaimed. Before revealing the rudimentary conditions in which Perrine and he spent the night: the trunk of a car.”We have the nights we deserve“, he wrote.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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