This is an announcement as expected as it is feared by academics. Wednesday November 20, Michael Goldman entered the Château de la Star Academy to announce the first names of the three nominees. While this sixth week is marked by nostalgia, the students performed in front of their usual teachers, but also in front of certain alumni during assessments. If some stood out by performing classics that rocked the Star Ac’others, on the other hand, were not convinced… After an unbearable suspense, the director revealed the verdict: Maïa, Masséo and Ulysse are in danger.
Marlene Schaff (Star Academy) explains why Maïa's performance did not convince her
It was a real blow to the three nominees following Michael Goldman's announcement. While waiting to know how those concerned received and managed the news, viewers of the daily discovered the reactions of the professors just after the academicians' visits. And the speech that caught the public's attention the most was that of Marlène Schaff! Once Maïa's performance on the title The world is stoned finished, the stage expression teacher hastened to let it be known that she “not at all convinced“. “Yes, she has a unique tone, but it's because she hurts herself when she speaks and sings. For me, there is a tone problem. I'm not saying that it necessarily has to be done in the original key, but there… It wasn't even a big gap anymore, it was Jean-Claude Van Damme from one building to another! It didn't bother me“, she said, to the laughter of Armande Altaï.
Maia (Star Academy) divides the teachers after his performance
If the academic had the feeling of having convinced and seduced her teachers, the latter expressed some reluctance. “As soon as I heard her speak, I found her voice extraordinary. […] She has a nice crack in her voice and she gets shivers just talking.“, declared Armande Altaï. Before giving the floor to her colleague, Sofia Morghavi. “I have always been seduced by Maïa's 'saxophone' tone. However, I was very bothered by the subglottal pressure it exerts, which can strain the vocal cords and create a slight tightness like a creaking door. That can be nice if we choose to do it, but if we endure it… It bothers me“, confided the singing teacher. Oscar Sisto, for his part, noted the lack of coherence between the words and the energy released by Maïa: “It's a song in which the character says that she doesn't want to fight anymore and at the end, it looked like she was going to take the Bastille… It's nonsense, it's true.“
Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.
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