Attention, the series changes schedule this Friday, June 28 (and there is excellent news that you did not expect!)

Attention, the series changes schedule this Friday, June 28 (and there is excellent news that you did not expect!)
Attention, the series changes schedule this Friday, June 28 (and there is excellent news that you did not expect!)

TF1 has a surprise in store for fans ofHere it all begins to console them for having recently been deprived of their daily soap opera. It will be on the front page this Friday, June 28, at an unprecedented time.

Every year it’s the same song: as summer approaches, fans of French fiction will be chomping at the bit until the start of the school year since the channels will soon be offering almost only programs that have already been broadcast. The only ones who are doing well are fans of soap operas, whose episodes are still unpublished. But that’s without taking into account the various sporting events which can disrupt their broadcast. The unconditional fans ofHere it all begins, deprived of their soap opera on Tuesday June 25. But after this cold shower, it’s time for repairs.

Here it all begins : two episodes of the series this Friday, June 27!

The summer promises to be a busy sporting one. If the Olympic Games (which officially begin on July 26) will disrupt the broadcast ofSuch a big sun, already seriously undermined by the European and then legislative elections, currently, it is the Euro football, which began on June 14, which is disrupting that of the soap operas on the front page. The proof, on Tuesday June 25, TF1 sweetened Here it all begins and Tomorrow Belongs to Us to broadcast the France/Poland match. But, a nice surprise, the channel will catch up by offering a double dose of its culinary soap opera. Food lovers and fans of the series will therefore be delighted to discover two episodes in a row on Friday, June 28. Be careful not to miss the slot, however, since the first episode will be offered at 6 p.m. and will be followed by the second.

Here it all begins : the holidays will rhyme with romance

If the students of the Auguste Armand Institute, the prestigious gastronomy school of Here Everything Begins, take it easy during the holidays, they are not idle. Like Solal and Lionel in charge of the ephemeral restaurant. There will also be a question of romance, in particular for Rose Latour (Vanessa Demouy) who could be seduced by Paul, a rich businessman with whom she will spend part of the summer. A character played by Avy Maricano, an actor well known to fans of More beautiful life version France 3 and Under the sun.



NEXT Jordan de Luxe confides the drama he almost experienced in his new show (VIDEO)