Noëmie Honiat reveals how she manages her children during the filming of The Best Bakery in France

Noëmie Honiat reveals how she manages her children during the filming of The Best Bakery in France
Noëmie Honiat reveals how she manages her children during the filming of The Best Bakery in France

Judge of The best bakery in France with Bruno Cormerais, Noëmie Honiat continues filming the M6 ​​show for half the year. Asked by Tele-Leisurethe pastry chef explains how she manages her schedule and her children Zacharie and Evie.

She brings her good humor every day to The Best Bakery in France. Noëmie Honiat has starred in the M6 ​​show for two seasons and judges artisans from across the country alongside Bruno Cormerais. In this final week, the noose is tightening for the competitors who were 24 this Monday but who will only be 3 on Friday. In total, filming took place over 25 weeks. The technical teams and the faces of the program are therefore monopolized for half the year!

The children follow us“: Noëmie Honiat reveals her organization with her children Zacharie and Evie during The Best Bakery in France

Asked by Tele-LeisureNoëmie Honiat confided in her role as a mother alongside the recording of the program.When I’m filming, people ask me how I do it. But they have a father! [Elle rit.] The filming is spread over a year, I have my schedule in advance so we’ll schedule it. Ce Just because you’re pregnant or have children doesn’t mean you’re good to put in the trash.. A week before one of my deliveries, we opened a restaurant and I didn’t pass between the tables. We don’t have office hours, we never come home at the same time, we have lots of projects. We try to fit everyone’s schedules and the children follow us“, smiles the flagship pastry chef of The best bakery in France.

It’s really organization“: Noëmie Honiat talks about her role as a mother during the filming of The best bakery in France

Noëmie Honiat explains that her children Zacharie and Evie, whom she had with her husband Quentin Bourdy, sometimes come to filming. “I have blocked off all school holidays, back to school days, important days and I leave when they are at school. Today, with videos, we can see each other. But you have to be very organized: before leaving, I check the weather and prepare them the outfits for the week, the snack boxes are packed. It’s really about organization, but I couldn’t do this job without my husband. He is very friendly with the children and he keeps up when I am not there. Living in Aveyron allows us to cut back. We give our all but when we come home, the phone doesn’t pick up and that suits everyone“, explains the one who participated in Top Chef in 2014.



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