Plus belle la vie: pause at 1 minute and 49 seconds to discover the surprise appearance of an old character – News Series

Plus belle la vie: pause at 1 minute and 49 seconds to discover the surprise appearance of an old character – News Series
Plus belle la vie: pause at 1 minute and 49 seconds to discover the surprise appearance of an old character – News Series

Do you love Plus belle la vie? We bet you missed the surprise appearance of a cult character from the series. We’ll explain!

Since last January, fans of Plus belle la vie have found their favorite series suddenly canceled at the end of 2022. This version now broadcast on TF1 is achieving great audiences! And if the public is there every afternoon, it is also because some of the most emblematic actors of the soap opera are back.

It is therefore with pleasure that viewers were able to find Barbara (Léa François), Thomas (Laurent Kérusoré) and Luna (Anne Décis). And little by little, old faces appear but not necessarily as we imagine!

Rudy made a surprise appearance

If Betty (Horya Benabet) came to cause trouble at Mistral for a few episodes, Rudy (Ambroise Michel) also appeared recently. And more precisely in episode 54 broadcast on March 21! You remember ? No ? Do not worry, it’s normal !

Only a trained eye could spot the young man! Back in the past: a few months ago, Luna fell madly in love with Maxime (Renaud Leymans). Unfortunately for her, this smooth talker played on her in order to steal her money. Claiming to be the head of an NGO, he managed to make her believe that he had fallen in love with her.

With his partner, Cécilia (Delphine Chanéac), they almost managed to swindle her of all her savings. Blinded by her feelings, she even sent her closest friend, Blanche (Cécilia Hornus), packing. But, against all expectations, Maxime fell into his own game, also falling in love with Luna. And, just as she finally opened her eyes to her suitor and made up with everyone, she received a new message from Maxime.

An adorable wallpaper

The opportunity for fans to discover Luna’s wallpaper for the first time, which happens to be a photo of Rudy and Mirta (Sylvie Flepp). We invite you to pause at 1 minute and 49 seconds to see this magnificent shot. It will only make you nostalgic!



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