“I hit very hard”: what happened to Michel Cymes, at the heart of the concerns on the set of “C à vous” this Tuesday?

“I hit very hard”: what happened to Michel Cymes, at the heart of the concerns on the set of “C à vous” this Tuesday?
“I hit very hard”: what happened to Michel Cymes, at the heart of the concerns on the set of “C à vous” this Tuesday?

As he came to present his new show on sleep in C to you, television program hosted by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, Michel Cymes was noticed… for his broken thumb. Worried, the presenter returned to this injury with him.

Michel Cymes, a French doctor very present on television channels, yesterday presented his new show on the occasion of his invitation by C to you, broadcast on France 5, as written Tele-leisure. This new show, He who sleeps loses! The great experience of sleep, attempts to observe the effects of lack of sleep on a group of volunteers.

The six personalities chosen as guinea pigs are Caroline Margeridon (buyer in Deal done), Titoff (comedian), Gwendal Marimoutou (Singer), Linda Hardy (actress), Francis Perrin (actor) and Hugo Bardin (Paloma de Drag Race).

They competed in this 36-hour race against sleep, crowned with trials and tests after the wake. But this new program, broadcast Tuesday evening June 25 on France 2, was not the center of the debate on C to you, even though the doctor and presenter came to talk about his new show. The team preferred to talk about the bandage which surrounded Michel Cymes’ hand. Faced with the presenter’s concern, he explained: “I closed my car door very hard on my finger and fractured my thumb. That’s to tell you, I hit very hard“. A broken thumb which did not prevent him from passing his CAP cuisine practical test.

The doctor almost didn’t come

But Michel Cymes almost failed Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, the presenter of C to you. Far from concerning this new fracture, the absence of the doctor and presenter would have been explained… By the match. The Blues played against Poland last night, the last group match which would determine the ranking, reason enough to stay at home according to Michel Cymes.

“I arrived at your house very early and they installed a TV for me. Otherwise I said I wasn’t coming”, confirmed the doctor. The one who was appointed health ambassador for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games seems to take his role very seriously.



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