Children’s books: the 10 best children’s albums in June 2024

Summer is here, and so are the children’s books that come with it. Discover our selection of the 10 albums that caught our eye for the month of June!

It smells like the end (of the year). Put the pencil cases and school bags in the back of the cupboard, stuff ourselves with cakes at the school fair and off we go for the summer holidays. But actually, what do we read with the children in this great month of June?

Summer of a thousand and one stars, from 4 years old

Written by Zemanel, illustrated by Émilie Michaud and published by Flammation Jeunesse, Summer of a Thousand and One Stars is a little nugget. It tells the story of four cubs, Currant, Blueberry, Raspberry and Cassis, who decide to spend their first night under the stars, without their parents. We have only one desire at the end, too: go count the stars, and see where that takes us.

In search of happiness, from 3 years old

Illustrated by Bérengère Mariller and written by the sublime pen of Ella Coalman, all published by Editions Casterman, this album is an ode to the simple happiness that is often found under our noses. Full of philosophy and wisdom, it is perfect for putting a nice uppercut on a societal problem, that of the injunction to happiness. A real favorite !

In search of happinessIn search of happiness

The green fear mouse, from 3 years old

Everyone in the mode knows the song of the green mouse running through the grass, but did you know its story and what happens when it encounters humans? This album, by Agnès Debacker and Claire de Gastold published by Editions Gallimard, is funny and full of twists and turns. Not to mention the colors of the absolutely brilliant illustrations, with this Pantone neon green which makes you want to proudly display it in your library.

The green fear mouseThe green fear mouse

During nap time, from 5 years old

A lovely story written by Martina Aranda and published by Pastel editions of the École des Loisirs. The story of a young girl who spends her summer vacation at her grandmother’s house eating donuts, taking naps on cotton sheets, and transplanting plants to give her grandmother hope that she will arrive to make them grow. Warm colors, intergenerational transmission values ​​and a great idea of ​​happiness: it’s sublime.

During the napDuring the nap

Wind in the notebooks, from 6 years old

From the collection published by Glénat editions “Les petits bonheurs de Charlie Blossom”, this album by Camille Osscinni and Julien Arnal smells like the end of school. Last dictation, end of recess, the schoolyard smelling of summer… This whole album is an ode to the start of the summer holidays and it transcribes with incredible accuracy everything we could feel when we were little, and those that our little ones also feel now, in turn. Full of nostalgia and poetry, it’s a real favorite.

Wind in the notebooksWind in the notebooks

My dog ​​and me, from 3 years old

Hop hop, another pretty nugget published by Saltimbanque. Written by Céline Person and illustrated by Magda Brol, My dog ​​and me is a danger if you read it to your child: it is very likely to bother you for the next 3 years so that you adopt a dog. And let us tell you that we are not going to help you, because adopting a good doggie is the best idea, as this sublime book shows in a very fair and gentle way.

My dog ​​and meMy dog ​​and me

Loupito, palm trees and shells, from 4 years old

Loupito is a very cute album which tells of the impatience to go on vacation to your grandparents, and the joy of returning home to find your little world afterwards. Written by Magali Clavelet and published by Little Urban, this new volume in the Loupito series is perfect to start the summer holidays, as it smells of the beach, the sun and the sea.

Loupito, palm trees and shellsLoupito, palm trees and shells

In the land of stories, from 5 years old

Attention, huge, HUGE crush on the new book by the brilliant illustrator Briony May Smith, written by Sara O’Leary, still published by Gallimard. In In the land of stories, we discover the childhood of Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne Brontë, famous authors who need no introduction. The story of this unique and modest family is told with poetry and delicacy, and you can also find, at the end of the album, a guide to making your own little book like Charlotte did for her sister Anne, but also a chronology of the history of these famous siblings. A nugget to urgently slip into all libraries.

[Image intérieure] Square[Image intérieure] Square

On the way to Reinette, from 8 years old

Another huge favorite in this selection, for the sublime album by Emmanuel Bourdier and François Ravard, published by Flammarion Jeunesse. Poetry, humor, tenderness and adventure: it’s all there, and it’s perfect. We follow the life of little Zélie by the sea who, one day, discovers a letter in a bottle. Strange fact: this love letter is signed with the same first name as the one which frightens the children who approach his stone house. Coincidence? We can only invite you to discover it, we don’t want to spoil the fun for you.

On the way to ReinetteOn the way to Reinette

Dendan, the black and white rabbit who read all the time, from 5 years old

Dendan, the black and white rabbit who read all the time, written by Natacha Lloret and illustrated by Mélanie Pietro, is published by the associative youth publishing house “Chapolire éditions”. This album tells the story of Dendan, a black and white rabbit who reads all the time, even while pedaling! Will he manage to arouse the curiosity of his friend Cancan and give him a taste for reading? We really fell in love with this lovely story of friendship between two little rabbits who seem completely opposite at first glance and who nevertheless end up finding a common passion. We really like the poetic and dynamic illustrations which bring rhythm to the story. Another element that caught our attention: the font is original and very readable. This particularity is due to the fact that this book is suitable for DYS children.

Dendan, the black and white rabbit who read all the timeDendan, the black and white rabbit who read all the time

Read also :

Children’s books: the 10 best children’s albums in May 2024

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