Gérôme Blois (Large families) rants and denounces certain unacceptable behavior

Gérôme Blois (Large families) rants and denounces certain unacceptable behavior
Gérôme Blois (Large families) rants and denounces certain unacceptable behavior

Gérôme Blois has never had his tongue in his pocket and he has once again proven it. Tired of the behavior of certain influencers on social networks, Diana’s spouse did not hesitate to denounce their questionable practices.

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Diana and Gérôme Blois, who became popular since their first participation in Large families: life in XXL, are back on our screens in the eighth season. In the TF1 docu-reality, as on social networks, the two parents share their daily lives, in particular the renovation work on their new house, but also sometimes their relationship problems. In early June, Diana expressed her concerns about the health of her children, many of whom had fallen ill. She said she consulted a doctor and bought a lot of medicine. This Friday June 14 is a big day for one of their teenagers. Indeed, it’s Ethan’s first day of baccalaureate.

Gérôme Blois’ rant against influencers

Very active on his social networks, Gérôme Blois does not hesitate to rant when an event or an incident upsets him. This Friday, the father decided to attack the influencers. “What is your madness about sharing your real stories 272 times? To increase your stats for agencies. Those who give me commercial collaborations in Arial – 24 like that. The best are those who write in blank White background”, deplores Diana’s companion.

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Gérôme Blois (Large families) “disappointed” by his TV colleagues?

But Louane and Juliette’s dad is not done with it “the influences”, as they call them. Gérôme Blois drew up a long list of criticisms. “Those who forget to put ‘commercial collaboration’ on each story, do you have vision problems? Those who don’t have a children’s contract on collaborations, or even on products offered, are we in China or what? And these are the same influences that will ruin you with agencies, or even in your agency. I can no longer supervise them seriously“, he concludes. A protest which shows that the father is a little stressed and annoyed at the moment. As a reminder, Gérôme and his wife argued at the beginning of June, the day before Diana’s dance performance. “That too must be like my back blockage”she predicted that day.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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