Arte dreams of a single European channel – Libération

Arte dreams of a single European channel – Libération
Arte dreams of a single European channel – Libération


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For several years, the Franco-German channel has positioned itself to be designated as the leading European audiovisual platform. Between the recent knighting of Emmanuel Macron and patient lobbying in Brussels, Arte’s Europhile dream could well come true soon.

The wish was made explicit on April 25, during the second hour of Emmanuel Macron’s speech on Europe at the Sorbonne: “Transmitting the European spirit means spreading a common imagination, declared the President of the Republic. And as such, I hope that we will make Arte the leading European audiovisual platform.” If this is the first time that Emmanuel Macron has been so vocal on this subject regarding Arte, the ambition of the Franco-German media to deploy on the European continent is not new. “It’s not just an idea on a page, it’s something we patiently build, explains the president of the channel, Bruno Patino, to Release. From my point of view, it is even the logical evolution of Arte since its creation thirty-two years ago. That of a Franco-German project which looks towards Europe. […] We can only rejoice and be touched that the President is pushing Arte.” And to recall the statutes of the channel which has been broadcasting since 1992, where its objectives of “promote understanding and rapprochement between peoples in Europe”.

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Emmanuel Macron had included the idea of ​​a “European Netflix” in his program. It was in 2017. Since then, the ambitious ideas for a platform bringing together European public television



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