Laurence Boccolini surprises Yann Barthès with his proposal live in “Quotidien”: “It’s called an invitation”

Laurence Boccolini surprises Yann Barthès with his proposal live in “Quotidien”: “It’s called an invitation”
Laurence Boccolini surprises Yann Barthès with his proposal live in “Quotidien”: “It’s called an invitation”

Laurence Boccolini was this Friday the 24th on the sets of TMC. Guest of Yann Barthèsthe one who replaced Laurent Ruquier at the helm of Children of TV took the opportunity to talk about his next book. Autobiography in preparation in which she intends to reveal behind the scenes of television. Known for her outspokenness, the host also took the opportunity to denounce fatphobia that she suffered during her career.

During his visit to the set of Dailythe one who has been navigating the world of radio and television for more than thirty years then completely destabilized Yann Barthès by offering him a meeting outside the TMC premises. An invitation which the host was not expecting at all and which left him speechless.

Laurence Boccolini denounces fatphobia

Although she always refused to become the standard bearer of the fight against fatphobia, Laurence Boccolini still sometimes takes the time to denounce the discrimination of which she and millions of people are victims. On the Yann Barthès set, columnist Marc Beaugé wondered on this subject if all the brands were not backpedaling “on the inclusiveness of bodies and return to the canons of extreme thinness”. What led the 61-year-old host recounted that twenty years earlier, when she presented The weakest link, her size 64 had been a Source of problems. “I remember we didn’t have any stylist who could find clothes in my sizethat we have to buy them in London »she said.

The host then revealed another painful anecdote for her. “For a bonus, we tried to have a necklace, no clothes, a piece of costume jewelry from a very famous designer, just loaned for a bonus. We never got an answer. It’s very surprising. […] And I was told that the brand didn’t want to be associated with anyone who was fat.”. “It’s been a painful journey,” she explained as a conclusion on the subject.

Laurence Boccolini invites Yann Barthès

After mentioning this delicate subject, the show’s hosts and guests then moved on to lighter themes. Inviting Laurence Boccolini on a set is in fact a guarantee for the hosts of sharing funny moments. This Friday the 24th was no exception to the rule. Laurence Boccolini completely took Yann Barthès by surprise with an invitation that no one saw coming. She actually invited him to participate in her flagship Sunday afternoon program. “Yeah… After… It’s a trap ? »he replied, visibly surprised.

Laurence Boccolini responded immediately. “This is absolutely not a trap. It’s called an invitation” Before arguing to convince the young man. “ And you’ll see when you come out of the show, you will want to come back. You won’t have had enough.” She then continued her attempt. “I discover certain careers of certain guests (…) We thus discover things that they did when they were twenty years old and they are not embarrassed. We discover another side of the guests. So maybe we’ll find out something about you.”. The TMC host did not refuse the invitation, but he did not confirm his presence either. You will therefore have to be in front of your station in the coming weeks to see if Yann Barthès accepted the invitation by Laurence Boccolini.



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)