who is the big winner of the W9 game?

who is the big winner of the W9 game?
who is the big winner of the W9 game?

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It was the grand finale of The Power on W9! After a fierce fight between the candidates, only three candidates remained: Marwa, Coumba and Nikola Lozina. This Friday, May 24, Delta revealed the rules to decide between the last players still in the race for the final victory. “It’s the grand finale of The Power. You were thirteen players, there are only three left. You have manipulated, betrayed and foiled all the traps”, said Delta before detailing the rules of the final test which will determine the big winner of the adventure: “This is a diabolical test. You will have to manage power, hide it and bluff. The winner wins 20,000 euros for his association“. In the power room, it’s Nikola Lozina who drew the Power Player card. “It’s an advantage psychologically, it’s destiny” he explained in the confessional.

The Power: Delta reveals the rules of the final

Delta revealed the rules for the final in The Power on W9. This time, the candidates must bluff in a final test with secret boxes. “I had fun with you. There is no importance in keeping the secret. Whoever is the Power Player will have an advantage and it is Nikola Lozina. Each player will have a chest, he will open his own. He will have to persuade the other to give up the chest and trade with him. The second will do the same. In two of these chests, there is an elimination symbol. Whoever holds this symbol is eliminated.

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The Power: who is the winner of the W9 game?

In this final, Marwa is the first candidate to be eliminated from the grand final. She finished in third place after her two defeats against Nikola Lozina and Coumba. The young woman was particularly moved during her defeat: “I’m disgusted, because I did all that for nothing. I already saw myself as a winner, it’s the end of the game, but I’m very sad. It was the best adventure. I met a new Marwa. ” After a final fight between Coumba and Nikola Lozina, it’s Nikola Lozina who won the final game in The Power this Friday, May 24. After the game, the young man broke down and burst into tears during his victory. “I’m proud of myself, I haven’t often been proud of myself in recent years. But here, I’m proud of myself.”

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