a story of perseverance and hope

a story of perseverance and hope
a story of perseverance and hope

A teacher for several years at Auclair primary school in Saint-Lazare, Annie Bourbonnais now has a new string to her bow, that of author. Next Thursday, May 30, she will officially launch her first book Courage, little feather! in which she tells the story of her son Émile, a very premature baby born in 2006.

In a few weeks, Émile will celebrate his 18th birthday, a beautiful milestone in life that coincides with his mother’s new project. “ In this story, I wanted to tell his story to instill hope in parents who are going through the same thing and to bear witness to Émile’s perseverance. He’s extremely premature. He went through a great ordeal from his birth when he weighed only 2 lbs. He remained hospitalized for a long time at Sainte-Justine Hospital and very early on, he had to demonstrate resilience, courage and perseverance. Even if the people who read my book have not experienced a similar situation, I want to tell them that we can recover from an ordeal, that life is beautiful and that often, obstacles help to make us stronger and resilient”, she says on the line.

Note that the book published by Éditions de l’Isatis has been accessible, since May 14, in several bookstores in the province and on digital platforms.

Here is the synopsis of the very first youth album signed by Coteaulacoise:

In a hurry to see the world, Émile was born three months earlier than expected. He was very small and light as a feather. After a few months in the hospital, he was finally able to come home. All the members gave advice, care and love and Émile began to grow. At each stage of his life as a child, he was constantly told: “Courage Émile! COURAGE! » Seven little letters that allowed him to move mountains and make his way in life.

An inspiring story for young readers

Passionate about children’s literature, Annie Boubonnais loves reading stories that convey beautiful human values ​​to her students. This is what she had in mind when she wrote down Emile’s story, and by extension, her own.

I hope Courage, little feather! will be able to inspire the children who read it and that they will understand that in life, everyone experiences trials and less pleasant situations. You have to roll up your sleeves and face them. We must push our limits and through perseverance, everyone can reach the top of their dreams. The book traces the beginning of Émile’s life, the stages of his childhood and conveys a message that will touch all young readers », she adds.

Who is Ms. Bourbonnais’ book aimed at? “ For preschool and primary school children. This is my target audience. I’m teaching 5th grade kids at the moment and I read a lot of books with them and when I was writing mine, I tried to keep in mind the following question: how could I use this book in class? Does the subject discussed in the book relate to their experiences? I read my book with them and they are very proud of their teacher (laughs)», she relates.

In the coming weeks, Émile’s story will be echoed on the other side of the Atlantic where Courage, little feather! will be printed and published in France.

Get involved with families who are going through the same thing

In recent years, Annie Bourbonnais has done more than open her heart and tell her family’s story, she has also become concretely involved with families who are going through the same thing as hers.

She acts as a resource parent, providing support to families of very premature babies via Sainte-Justine Hospital. “ It’s unsettling when our child comes at least three months before the due date. We don’t know what awaits us. It’s important to have someone to talk about it with and who understands us », she concludes.

Today, Émile will become an adult within the meaning of the law in a few weeks. He attends CEGEP and plays hockey and golf. His worrying years linked to his premature birth are behind him. He embraces life to the fullest and heads towards university studies.

For her part, Annie Bourbonnais will launch her book on May 30 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Saint-Lazare Municipal Library. On June 14, she will hold a signing session at the Librairie Boyer in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.



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