Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) struggling against the Mysterious Star, he justifies himself

Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) struggling against the Mysterious Star, he justifies himself
Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) struggling against the Mysterious Star, he justifies himself

In the number of 12 Midday shots broadcast this Saturday, October 19, Émilien explained to Jean-Luc Reichmann the reason why he is in trouble facing the Mysterious Star.

Émilien has been Maître de midi for over a year. The undeniable candidate of 12 Midday shotswhose prowess is being talked about abroad, surpassed all the best participants in the successful game offered on TF1, at the head of which was previously Bruno Hourcade. This Saturday, October 19, the 21-year-old young man participated in his 388th show and qualified for the show this Sunday, October 20. The history student unfortunately did not win the Mysterious Star – revealed to the public for several days – having incorrectly answered questions related to the fencing mask and the invention of teleworking.

Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) : “Every answer can have a real impact

At the start of the show this Saturday, Émilien admitted that the current Mysterious Star was giving him a hard time. “It’s starting to itch, it’s starting to sting, what’s happening? It’s been four days! He’s someone everyone recognized [qui se cachait derrière] !”launched by Jean-Luc Reichmann. “It happens that indeed, she is dragging a little”replied Jessica’s companion, without losing his smile. “There is the fact, already, that I do not master all the answers, far from it”also conceded the one who observes in his daily life repercussions linked to his emerging notoriety. Before admitting to feeling “additional pressure” linked to playing on behalf of the ELA association: “We know that each answer can have a real impact on research.” The host then recalled that Yvonne’s grandson had nevertheless raised, thanks to his many correct answers, more than 80,000 euros for this European association which helps sick children.

For Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon), playing for associations is “one pressure”

This is not the first time that Émilien, keen to do well, says he feels stress when he plays for a good cause. In the spring, the Vendéen spoke on this subject, while The 12 Coups de midi mobilized for Sidaction. “I have already had the opportunity and the chance to play for ELA and the Yellow Pieces [dans le jeu]”, he recalled. “Each time, it’s a particular pressure, because we know that our answers have a real impact, that something can change [grâce à elles]. It’s an honor, but also a pressure“.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias




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