Emanuel (Married at First Sight) and Nadège Lacroix as a couple again

Emanuel (Married at First Sight) and Nadège Lacroix as a couple again
Emanuel (Married at First Sight) and Nadège Lacroix as a couple again

Today at 2:00 p.m. – by
Sorelle Spet

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They created a surprise last December by announcing their relationship. Indeed, it was by publishing a video on Instagram that Nadège Lacroix and Emanuel showed their love. Subsequently, the two lovebirds became inseparable and made numerous public appearances. And for good reason, the media dreamed of knowing how the romance between the winner of Secret Story 6 and the participant of Married at first sight 7 was born. “We talked, we exchanged and one day, I took a plane ticket to go to Switzerland. I arrive, I say to myself ‘she’s going to give me a kiss’. She grabs my arm: ‘Come on, we’re going to conquer the world!’ Not even hello, no hugs, no kisses, nothing. She arrived, she took me by the arm, I didn’t understand what was happening to me“, recalled the father of two children, in Sam Zirah’s YouTube show. Only, this fairy tale turned into a nightmare. While they had moved in together, Nadège and Emanuel announced, on May 5 , their breakup.

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Emanuel (Married at first sight) unfaithful? Nadège Lacroix is ​​disillusioned by discovering the “evidence

Since the announcement of his separation, Emanuel has been the target of numerous rumors of infidelity on the Web. Upon discovering this, Nadège did not hesitate to appeal to her fans in the hope of raising the most “evidence” so that her ex-companion recognizes the facts. And as they say: “When you look, you find.” On May 6, after having read all the messages and screenshots that were sent to her, Nadège spoke out on Instagram.I have proof of his many deceptions. The ideal son-in-law… A very beautiful person… Thank you networks. Sometimes it hurts, but at least we see people’s true faces written in black and white“, she said, targeting her ex. Only, he hadn’t said his last word. After rowing for many days, Emanuel seems to have gotten his “second chance”!

Emanuel (Married at first sight) presents a public apology to Nadège Lacroix

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Tuesday May 21, on Instagram, Emanuel took the plunge. “Because I had to apologize, even if we didn’t do things right. I apologize for hurting you with my words and actions. I regret sending messages to others, but I have not been physically unfaithful. I ask for your forgiveness and a chance to right my mistakes. I am ready to change and have already changed and opened my eyes to rebuild our relationship. I care about you and I hope you can see past my mistakes to our future and our future, together. I love you“, he wrote. For her part, Nadège did not respond to this passionate declaration of love with another. No, the influencer was simply relieved, in her story, to have “Finally” got the apology she was waiting for!

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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