“It was wrong and hurtful…” This remark in relation to Muriel Robin who marked Anne Le Nen during the first season of Master Crimes

“It was wrong and hurtful…” This remark in relation to Muriel Robin who marked Anne Le Nen during the first season of Master Crimes
“It was wrong and hurtful…” This remark in relation to Muriel Robin who marked Anne Le Nen during the first season of Master Crimes

After a successful and successful first season, Louise Arbus, the brilliant and caustic criminology professor, is back in Master Crimes this Thursday, October 17 on TF1 at 9:10 p.m. (our opinion)! And this new burst of six episodes is in line with the first season: punctuated by funny lines and inventive investigations. A new hit announced for its main performers, Muriel Robin et Anne Le Nen.

Master Crimes : “Even more twisted universes!”Muriel Robin and Anne Le Nen reveal what awaits you in season 2

Télé-Loisirs: What awaits us in this second season?
Muriel Robin
: An even more brilliant Louise but also troubled by Oscar’s decision [le commissaire joué par Olivier Claverie, ndlr] to retire. The writing is elegant. Yes, there are big lines, things to laugh about, and that’s very good, but there is also finesse.
Anne Le Nen : Even more twisted universes! Between Louise and Barbara, it was impossible to continue the conflictual relationship. From now on, there has been a complicity and respect between them, even if they continue to constantly seek each other out. Barbara will also crack the armor a little.

Have the dynamics of the game changed compared to the previous season?
ALN: Today, I enjoy playing Barbara but season 1 was complicated for me. There was a lot of pressure. Some people said I got this role thanks to Muriel [son épouse depuis 2021, ndlr]. It was wrong and hurtful. I knew that I was expected around the corner and that I only had the right to be well. There wasn’t a scene where I didn’t have stage fright. Fortunately this tension has passed.
MR: I have seen your evolution. We moved on. Now we just have to play. We are no longer afraid!

Master Crimes : “The violence of men surprises me, the heroism of women amazes me”the touching remark of Muriel Robin

We never really know what Louise is thinking. She is always one step ahead of the investigation. It’s fun but it can also make her annoying…
MR: Louise makes you laugh, that’s why we accept a lot of things from her. If she wasn’t full of life, if she didn’t have that sparkling eye, it would be different.

Are you ready to extend this adventure beyond this season?
ALN: With happiness!
MR: When we were filming the second season, they were writing the third. When we do it, maybe they will be on the fourth! In any case, we’re not going to tell them to stop.

In the first episode, there is this line: “What else happens to surprise you?” I return the question to you!
ALN: Muriel! Especially for the work she does on herself. Nature also amazes me. Real and simple things.
MR: Anne, obviously! And more broadly, life. The violence of men surprises me, the heroism of women amazes me. For my birthday, Anne took me to Rwanda to see gorillas. When you are close to a 300 kg monkey, when you see him scratching his hair with disarming delicacy, when you see the kindness in his eyes… It’s overwhelming. Some gorillas scare me less than some men.



PREV “It was wrong and hurtful…” This remark in relation to Muriel Robin who marked Anne Le Nen during the first season of Master Crimes
NEXT Bastos under the spell of a Secret Story candidate, he attempts a rapprochement