“she’s dirty”, Cyril Hanouna comments on the absence of Polska

“she’s dirty”, Cyril Hanouna comments on the absence of Polska
“she’s dirty”, Cyril Hanouna comments on the absence of Polska

By Aurélie H

– Published on May 16, 2024 at 7:25 p.m.modified on May 16, 2024 at 8:41 p.m.

In TPMP this Thursday, May 16, Cyril Hanouna spoke about the absence of Polska. He did not fail to tackle her.

Wednesday to Friday in Do not touch My TV, Polska is present as a columnist. While yesterday, she explained the reasons for her quarrel with Guillaume Genton, she was not present this Thursday, May 16 around the table. To replace her, there was Pascale de La Tour du Pin. Very quickly, Cyril Hanouna made it known that Polska was indeed scheduled for this evening’s show. But the latter felt very bad a few moments before returning to the set. They then preferred that she not do the show and it was at short notice that she was replaced.

Polska is sick!

“I am very happy to see Pascale de La Tour du Pin, but know that Polska vomited all over the Canal Factory corridor. Yes, she’s dirty… But, she’s nice! She vomited everywhere. I didn’t want to see her. This is the information I have. She still wanted to do the show, but it’s not worth it. If she stays at home quietly, she will be much more useful. If she crushes the chicken with her feet too, that’s normal, there’s no secret”explained Cyril Hanouna on the air.

Cyril Hanouna adds another layer

After the explanations of the host of Do not touch My TVValérie Bénaïm intervened to launch: “We wish him a good recovery. » To which Cyril Hanouna replied: “ Who is that ? Will this change anything? You know, when someone has to die… Just because we wish them a speedy recovery doesn’t mean they’re going to come back to life, I tell you. Life is like that. Life is a jungle. Polska, if you recover, we will be happy to see you again. If you have to pass the gun to the left, have a good trip. And if you look at us from up there, you don’t vomit on us. »

Cyril Hanouna asks for Polska to leave the premises

Jacque Cardoze then bounced back by revealing that Polska had gone to see a psychic to find out if she was going to die soon. There, Cyril Hanouna stopped the joke. “We’re going to calm down anyway, because the poor thing… Is she in the premises there? Wellthrow her out , he said! There is no doubt that when she returns to Do not touch My TV, Polska will not hesitate to respond to Cyril Hanouna. A position that she particularly appreciates, since her salary is more than comfortable. Polska recently revealed what she gets paid every month in TPMP.



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