This participant in “Quel Talent!” is the partner of Sonny from the group 2Frères

During the last broadcast of What Talent!the public discovered Maya Hegetschweiler, a promising artist, who also happens to be the friend of Sonny Caouette, member of the famous Quebec group 2Frères.


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Mayawho has shared her life with Sonny since January 2023, captivated the audience with an emotional performance of his composition Happy Birthdaydedicated to his father who died seven years ago.

Before grabbing her guitar and taking a seat in the festive decor she had created for the occasion, the young woman who is also a theater actress explained that her father prepared a personalized birthday cake for her every year and that he misses these little touches a lot.

The performance visibly touched Sonnywho was seen in the audience, wiping his tears, moved by his friend’s performance on stage.

The judges of What Talent! were also touched by his performance, noting the particular color of his voice, recognizable and fragile, which touches the heart. Maya also received four “yes”, which allows her to move on to the next stage of the competition.

In a video posted to Instagram, Maya shared her experience, mentioning that she had never been so stressed in her entire life. However, she emphasized that this time on stage allowed her to learn a lot about herself.

To see Maya’s performance HegetschweilerClick here

A remarkable moment, which suggests a promising future for Maya in this competition… and in her musical career!




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