Host Ellen DeGeneres says she sought therapy after becoming ‘the most hated person in America’

Host Ellen DeGeneres says she sought therapy after becoming ‘the most hated person in America’
Host Ellen DeGeneres says she sought therapy after becoming ‘the most hated person in America’

Three years after the scandal that rocked her TV empire, Ellen DeGeneres is breaking her silence. In her new show “For Your Approval,” the host addresses frankly the harassment allegations that ended her talk show.

Humor as a shield for Ellen DeGeneres

From the first minutes of her show, Ellen DeGeneres attacks head on the rumors that have tarnished her image: “I got kicked out of show business because I’m mean,” she says ironically.You can’t be mean and be in show business. They fire you. No mean people in show business.”

The 66-year-old presenter does not hesitate to make fun of her situation: “Yes, you’ve all heard that I’m mean. Everybody’s heard that I’m mean. Everywhere I go, I know everybody’s heard that I’m mean.” She continues: “I know when I walk into a restaurant, people are watching me, waiting to see if I’m going to be mean. ‘You think she’s going to be mean first and then dance?’ ‘Oh, look, she’s reaching for the butter. I thought she was going to hit someone.'”

Therapy for Ellen DeGeneres

Behind the humor, Ellen DeGeneres reveals that she went through a particularly difficult period. She confides that she underwent therapy to deal with the wave of hatred she was the victim of: “I was in therapy for a while trying to deal with all the hate that was being directed at me. And you know, that was not a common situation for a therapist to be in.”

The presenter says with self-mockery: “At one point, my therapist said to me, ‘Ellen, where did you get this idea that everyone hates you?’ And I said, ‘Well, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, Us Weekly. I think Elmo might have said something recently…

Read more on Télé 7 Jours

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