“I even cried”, Flavie Flament, a week after her arrival in “Télématin”, everything is not so rosy

“I even cried”, Flavie Flament, a week after her arrival in “Télématin”, everything is not so rosy
“I even cried”, Flavie Flament, a week after her arrival in “Télématin”, everything is not so rosy

A month after the departure of Thomas Sotto, Telematin welcomed two new faces to its presentation.

Since the start of the school year, Flavie Flament and Julien Arnaud have been hosting the morning show on 2. A role that they already seem to have taken to heart, and about which they recently spoke in the columns of Tele-Leisure.

“The team is caring, kind, open”

I’ve been waiting two and a half months to start! It was time for it to become concrete and it did in a radical way. From one day to the next, we found ourselves with three hours of airtime to hold on a set that we had never really tested before and a team that we still know little about, but which, fortunately for us, is ultra-rehearsed. Add to that a new presentation exercise. It’s a lot, but the pleasure is there“, explained the presenter who can clearly boast of already receiving very good feedback regarding her debut on France Télévisions.

Everyone tells us thatit feels like we’ve been on the show for a long timeit’s crazy! I think it’s thanks to the welcome we received from the team. I’ve never been so well received. Everything is done to make us feel good” she added. And her partner added: “The team is caring, kind, open… It is teeming with intelligence and creativity. The good atmosphere that reigns on the set is sincere. We feel like we have been there for a long time so much we quickly felt like family. This is awesome!

Complicated beginnings

However, the adventure is far from obvious. And Flavie Flament was particularly afraid “daily management” linked to this new role. Fortunately, his friends were able to give him the necessary courage by finding the right words to encourage him in this period of transition.

I get up at 3:30 am and leave France Télévisions around 1 pm. I called my morning buddies like Amandine Bégot and Léa Salamé to get advice. I quickly realized that no one has the same rhythm. Some sleep in the morning, others in the afternoon or not at all. Some eat before the set, others advise presenting on an empty stomach. With all these injunctions, it was chaos the first few days. [Elle rit] I slept too long in the afternoon. One day, I even cried because I went back to work right after my nap on the next day’s show. I had no life. It’s an organization that we’re going to have to find” she revealed. Fingers crossed that the situation improves!



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