Alexandre, Karell’s suitor (Love is in the meadow 2024) takes a little too much initiative

Alexandre, Karell’s suitor (Love is in the meadow 2024) takes a little too much initiative
Alexandre, Karell’s suitor (Love is in the meadow 2024) takes a little too much initiative

In episode 5 of the 19th season of Love is in the meadowbroadcast on M6 this Monday, September 16, Karell takes his two suitors to the market to sell his goods. A morning of work that created some tension, but not the one expected by either man.

In this 19th season of Love is in the meadowamong the twelve candidates, only two women are looking for their soul mate. If Manuela has not yet started her speed-dating, Karell has already welcomed his suitors to the farm. Indeed, in the third episode, Claude and Alexandre arrived in Franche-Comté. Barely time to have lunch that they already had the charlotte on their heads and were preparing the truck for the next day’s market. After a journey to the place of sale weighed down by the theory of Alexandre’s lookalikes and the search for Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, the trio arrived at the village square. An opportunity for the single mother to show off her work but also to put her two suitors to work.

Love is in the meadow 2024 : a very authoritarian Karell facing her suitor Alexandre, very undisciplined

From the moment it was set, the tone was set.”You don’t touch with your hands, especially with dirty hands.the farmer’s wife said to the two men who were washing the windows of the display. Windows that Alexandre nearly broke several times by tapping them with his watch. All this, under a black look from the farmer. A lack of attention and discipline that the rugby fan continued throughout the morning. The chickens were poorly packaged, he rounded up the prices… Nothing was right. But this does not seem to have disturbed him and he even thinks he assured the imperturbable Claude: “He does everything to make it work, he is involved, but he gets yelled at, like meAlexandre’s book. Initiatives that Karell didn’t really like, “I’m the boss, I’m the one who decides” she confides, keeping a smile on her face.

Alexander (Love is in the meadow 2024) wants to seduce Karell

The reason Alexander didn’t really seek to be the employee of the day is that he didn’t come to get hired.I would like to start a seduction fixed-term contract with her”he said. He blames the farmer for not playing a game of attraction enough.. To ease the tension and finally start to get to know each other, he suggests going shopping for dinner. Karell therefore finds herself alone with her model employee for the end of the market… Enough to give her a preference?



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