What’s in the episode with Brigitte Macron not yet broadcast

What’s in the episode with Brigitte Macron not yet broadcast

Brigitte Macron et Lily Collins
Xinhua/ABACA / Xinhua / PA Photos/ABACA / PA Photos

The Netflix series is set to release the second part of its fourth season on September 12. Among the five expected episodes is the one where the First Lady plays herself.

The first steps of Brigitte Macron on Netflix The First Lady mingled with the actors ofEmily in Paris the time of a scene, filmed in Paris, Place de la Madeleine, last April. After several months of editing, and waiting for the broadcast of the second part of the series, it is finally in the seventh episode that the former French teacher will make her acting debut.

The sequence features a lunch between Lily Collins, Emily Cooper and the new recruit at the Grateau agency. Geneviève – played by Thalia Besson, the director’s daughter – plays the role of a Franco-American woman who turns out to be the hidden daughter of Sylvie’s husband, Laurent Grateau. The star of the series then gives herself the mission of integrating the new arrival during a meal at a restaurant, and more precisely at La Maison de la Truffe. Over the course of the lunch, the two young women realize that they are not the only ones who have set their sights on the Parisian address. Brigitte Macron, who plays herself as the First Lady of France, is seated at a neighboring table.

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“She’s a big fan of the series”

Particularly excited but disconcerted, Emily Cooper hesitates to approach to ask for a selfie from the president’s wife. Buoyed by the encouragement of her new American sidekick, she then remembers that Brigitte Macron already follows her on Instagram. In the first season of the series, when Emily Cooper launches on the social network under the pseudonym “Emily in Paris”. And therefore potentially remembers the young American influencer crisscrossing the streets of the French capital and re-sharing advertising campaigns. It was the one on the “Vaga-jeune” who had challenged Brigitte Macron to the point of re-sharing the post stating that “the vagina is not masculine” and following “Emily in Paris” as a mark of support.

Several years later, in this restaurant located on Place de la Madeleine, Emily Cooper then advances towards the First Lady but the latter’s bodyguard blocks her path. Brigitte Macron realizes who it is and asks her to let her pass. With her usual enthusiasm, the young American, adopted Parisian, emphasizes how much she loves France. To which Brigitte Macron replies that it is her country that adores Emily. The two women then take a selfie together. And although the scene ultimately only lasts two minutes, it did not fail to make noise around her.

All the media noticed, from the first days of filming, that Brigitte Macron would have a place in the Netflix series. The latter showed up for filming “with his own clothes, without any specific dress instructions having been given to him”as Netflix confirmed to AFP. “The idea of ​​the cameo (quick passage, editor’s note) came to us when Darren Star (the creator of the program, editor’s note) and I met her at the Élysée in December 2022″confides Lily Collins in an interview given to our colleagues at Elle. “She’s a huge fan of the show and took the introduction of her character in Season 1 with great humor. That scene in Season 4 is a nod, and working with her was both an honor and a real pleasure.”


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