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what weather and temperatures on Tuesday December 31?

Every day, find the weather forecast for the main cities of Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’Azur, Corsica and their immediate surroundings on the special -​Presse page.

Today, will be able to benefit from radiant weather.

Today, Tuesday December 31

Today, cloudless weather will delight the Antibes. In Antibes, the values ​​will oscillate between 9°C minimum and 13°C maximum. Average temperatures will be 10°C in the morning. Good weather will appear from time to time in the evening. The stars will light up the sky, giving the city a cloudless night.

Weather forecast in Antibes tomorrow

The next day, the people of Antibes will be able to walk in the sun. On average, it will be 10°C. The pleasant breeze of 8 km/h that we will feel will be oriented northwest. Outside temperatures will stabilize around 9°C in the morning. In the evening, the sky will clear somewhat. Temperatures will be around 9°C.

Weather in Antibes for the next few days

Weather conditions will be stable over the next few days, with average temperatures around 7°C.


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