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Speech by Michel Barnier: “I am betting that all these promises for the environment are empty promises”, tackles Marine Tondelier

“I listened to Michel Barnier twelve weeks later [les élections] and I perceived gloom,” asserts the national secretary of the Ecologists regarding Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration yesterday at the National Assembly. Not really convinced by the speech or by the method, Marine Tondelier is concerned about the comments on yesterday’s sequence worrying that we find Michel Barnier “moderately reactionary”. Above all, the head of environmentalists points out the government’s incapacityt to wear “positive things” and does not believe in the ecological ambitions of the executive.

“His solutions are problems”

If Michel Barnier affirmed, in the preamble, that the “ecological debt” is a sword of Damocles and pleaded for an “ecology of solutions”, the avenues mentioned by the former minister of the environment are not shared by the left. “He put on pearls. Perhaps in the 1990s saying “be careful there is climate change” was revolutionary, but 30 years later what is needed is action,” says Marine Tondelier. The latter also criticizes the choice to organize a conference on water and asks the government to take emergency measures: “I don’t care about conferences, I don’t want him to organize conferences, I I want him to act.”

“His solutions are problems,” adds Marine Tondelier, who explains that she did not see the ecological measures in Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration. The ecologist mentions in particular renewable energies and the limit issued by the Prime Minister on wind turbines who promised to study “all their impacts”. The Prime Minister also called for strengthening the development of the nuclear sector, a red line for environmentalists. Furthermore, Marine Tondelier regretted Michel Barnier’s comments on ZAN (zero net artificialization), believing that “every time he talks about simplification, he talks about environmental standards”. “I am betting that all these promises for the environment are empty promises,” continues the leader of the environmentalists.

An insufficient budget for environmentalists

A lack of confidence also linked to the announcements on Michel Barnier’s budget. “I didn’t find it extremely precise,” points out Marine Tondelier, who has serious doubts about the government’s ability to act effectively in environmental matters based on this budgetary basis. “On spending cuts, he did not say that it would be exceptional and temporary. If we tax super profits, it’s as long as they exist, not for a year,” regrets Marine Tondelier. In his speech, Michel Barnier assures that two thirds of budgetary efforts will come from reducing spending and a third from increasing revenue. Although he announced a temporary contribution for the richest and large companies, the spending cuts should, however, not be temporary. “We are missing out on the issue of the century,” laments Marine Tondelier. In essence, the environmentalist expresses a form of fear about the “slowness” of the government and hopes that a motion of censure will be quickly adopted. “We are preparing the next government and this one will be environmentalist,” says Marine Tondelier.


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