It is the sacred police-justice union. “ We walk on these two legs », insists Nicolas Bessone, the public prosecutor of Marseille. If necessary, administrative and judicial authorities have taken stock of the year 2024 in terms of drug banditry. The results are there, even if the war is far from won.
The hunt for deal points
Shelling, XXL clean-up operation… Military jargon shows the desire for action. Faced with the guerrilla war led by drug traffickers, the response is carried out using heavy equipment with the intervention of CRS companies to dislodge the drug dealers. These attacks are not always successful but these operations bring a certain tranquility to neighborhoods. “In three years we went from 161 deal points to 84 in Marseille, insists Pierre-Edouard Colliex, Bouches-du-Rhône police prefect. It’s still way too much, but we’ve halved the figure. In 2024, 29 deal points have been wiped off the Marseille map“. 4,000 tonnes of bulky items intended to block access around the deal points were also evacuated. Enough to allow city residents to live better.
PV for consumers
The fight against drug trafficking requires, according to the authorities, a global response. We must reach the top and the bottom of the spectrum, attack the bigwigs as well as the consumers. “ In 2024, 20,000 criminal fixed fines (AFD) were distributed and 3,400 individuals involved in trafficking were arrested “. The dejection recorded after the fifty homicides in 2023 and the alarms of the senatorial commission of inquiry seem forgotten. Saber drawn, the war is not lost. “ We don’t have a magic wand but we are all mobilized».
La justice suit
On the justice side, no boasting but a certain pride. The sponsors of assassinations are behind bars. Félix Bingui, the alleged leader of the Yoda clan is expected to be detained after being extradited from Morocco. In 2023, his clan’s fight with the DZ Mafia had generated numerous victims. So for those who doubt the action of justice, the public prosecutor lists the figures. “ We have 832 people incarcerated as part of the fight against drug trafficking, announces Nicolas Bessone. More than 2,000 people are currently indicted. 200 are waiting to appear before a criminal court for narcocides. Our arm does not tremble either if it is necessary to incarcerate repeat juvenile offenders.“. He then reveals that “almost a quarter of the jurisdiction’s criminal activity is taken up by drug trafficking. It’s half as much in all similar jurisdictions ».
The women involved
Drug trafficking is no longer a male preserve. If women were limited to the role of “nurse” (storage of drugs), they participate and are today an important player in “ubershit”, the home delivery of drugs. “ It is a recent phenomenon, but beyond delivery, they have become logisticians and participate in drug trafficking. Some are in pre-trial detention ».
-Expectations in 2025
This year the prosecutor expects a lot from the vote of a law on “repentants” as was the case in Italy with the mafia. “By opening the status of collaborator of justice to perpetrators of murders or assassinations, this would allow us to reach people who are at the heart of organizations and dismantle networks. “. Nicolas Bessone also calls for a special assize court to judge organized crime. “ Threats, pressure, fear reign and it is unbearable for citizen jurors to find themselves in this type of hearing. We must judge these crimes with professional magistrates as in matters of terrorism ».
This year the fight against drug banditry will result in the arrival of 25 investigating police officers and 96 public highway police officers. 20 gendarmes will also expand the gendarmerie search section. On a technical level, a second scanner will ensure anti-drug port security in Fos.
Report Joël BARCY