the essential
On March 4, 2020, an altercation in Toulouse degenerated into attempted murder. Moad D., implicated and detained for two years, was released a few days ago. Decryption.
The scene stunned all witnesses. On March 4, 2020 rue du Cher, Bagatelle district in Toulouse, it was around 6 p.m. An altercation breaks out between the occupants of two vehicles, probably linked by a previous dispute. Suddenly, one of the passengers ran away, the four men from the other car rushed after him and beat him. One of them pulls out a shotgun and shoots him point-blank in the left leg. The victim will be unceremoniously loaded into a vehicle and dropped off near the Ambroise Paré clinic. Chilling.
Shocking scene, serious injuries and complex investigation
Bone lesions, skull fracture, shredded left calf: Mohamed G. received 15 days of ITT and a long convalescence. The investigation opened for attempted murder quickly targets four individuals, all of whom are very unfavorably known to the justice system. It will be necessary to wait until January 2023 for the investigators, sure of their facts, to take three of the four accused into custody. The last, Moad D. whose criminal record mentions 7 convictions between 2014 and 2021, fled during an arrest attempt. He will appear at the police station a few days later. Initially in police custody, he would have admitted his participation in the facts (although his lawyer disputes this) even providing explanations, before retracting his statement. Mohamed G. the victim will however formally designate him as the author. The four individuals were indicted for attempted murder by an organized gang and repeated offenses.
8 years in prison, then released on appeal
Finally referred to the criminal court – after a reclassification – for wounding with a weapon, in a meeting and for repeated offenses, the “fine team” was sentenced to sentences ranging from 6 to 10 years in prison. But appealed. Defended by the pugnacious Toulouse lawyer Alexandre Martin, Moad D., described by psychological experts as an antisocial personality, addicted to cannabis, not professionally integrated and “with an unfavorable prognosis in terms of criminological dangerousness”, has just been acquitted. He was released on January 15, 2025, after two years of pre-trial detention. The two other defendants, the henchman Youssef A. and the instigator Osland B., saw their sentences reduced, with respectively 4 years and 8 years in prison.
Why such a turnaround? According to the court, convinced by the arguments of Me Alexandre Martin, “Moad D. never admitted to the investigators that he was in Osland B.’s vehicle on the day of the events, but admitted to having been a passenger for a few days ago.” His indictment was therefore only based on a single statement and “the rumor as reported by the victim’s family”, “which is not enough […] to retain guilt” ruled the Toulouse Court of Appeal.