Gascogne tour autos et motos (GTAM) was created on February 13, 2024 in Bazas. For his first general assembly, Friday January 17, President Emmanuel Fernandez summoned members and future members to the Pierre-Rozié room.
The “four musketeers” who embarked on the adventure, Emmanuel, Serge, Antoine and Vincent, can be proud of the journey accomplished. In fact, more than 40 people attended this first AGM, all passionate about old vehicles and collectors at heart.
Many inhabitants of Bazadais, South Girondins coming from Roaillan, Caudrot, but also inhabitants of Bordeaux or Arcachon had moved. They took the opportunity to take out their 2025 membership (30 euros).
Change of status
Emmanuel Fernandez first announced that the board of directors currently had 15 members, which will require a modification of the statutes. As president, he is accompanied within the office by Serge Bongiovanni, secretary, and Antoine Petit, treasurer.
-Five commissions have been set up: organization and events, sporting events, public relations, vintage car outings and motorcycle section, the latter just waiting to develop.
Looking back on the past year, Serge Bongiovanni retraced the numerous outings and events in which the club participated, in particular the great success of the day of June 2, organized with the Rotary Club Bazas Lande de Gascogne at the royal castle of Cazeneuve, for the benefit of the Neurorêves association, which works to improve the quality of reception for patients and their families within the pediatric neurology department of the Pellegrin hospital in Bordeaux (more than 4 000 euros collected and donated).
For 2025, from March to October, the club will hold its monthly meeting, Place des Tilleuls, in Bazas, on the last Sunday of the month. Several outings and charity events are already on the program: May 3 “Car Itatifs”, at the Biscarrosse aerodrome; on June 8, the Links of the Heart at the Château de Cazeneuve, as well as Pink October.