The baker-pastry chef Sébastien Verk and the watchmaker-jeweller Jordy Cardona combine their know-how to offer unique cakes and kingdoms: a gold bean and another in silver will be discovered among the 1,000 pieces on sale from this Sunday.
It is a tradition to find a bean in a cake or a kingdom; so far nothing unusual. But discovering a gold bean and another in silver is much less common. This year again, this rare privilege is the result of the collaboration of two local artisans, the baker-pastry chef Sébastien Verk and the watchmaker-jeweler Jordy Cardona (Le petit tic-tac).
When creative talent and respect for beautiful work combine, this gives the people of Coursan the possibility of being able to find a gold bean (18 carat 850/1000) and another in silver (925/1000), totally local since They represent the City’s crest with the three fleurs-de-lis, the cow and the crescent. They are unique, worked and made in the artisan jeweler’s shop, just like their container worked in the artisan baker’s bakery.
In total, 1,000 cakes and kingdoms will be offered for sale, but only two will contain these precious beans.
Suffice to say that to find them, you will need a good dose of luck, or greed! But be careful, the race for the precious metal will only begin Sunday January 19date on which these exceptional pancakes and kingdoms will be available at the bakery.