Audio recordings
First creation and direction by Charlotte Brihier, One day I will go (and it will be good) is inspired by his experiences. With great delicacy, lightness and modesty, the actress mixes her own memories and questions with audio recordings of her mother, archive images and imaginary, even fantasized, scenes from her family past. On stage, she is surrounded by Soazig De Staercke, Lucile Vignolles, Mattéo Goblet and Jérôme Vilain, who sometimes accompany the story (with a cheerful choreography to “Pour que tu m’aimes encore” by Céline Dion, for example) sometimes flesh out by slipping very well into the shoes of a detestable foster mother, a couple of caring neighbors or a social worker. Irma Morin’s very polished and elegant scenography, with its transparent tulle, allows you to travel from one place to another, from one era to another, from one atmosphere to another.
Little by little, starting from these fragments, Ambre tries to piece together the puzzle of her family history. “Sometimes I feel guilty about being Frenchshe confides. I love a country that treated my grandparents badly, that scattered my family […]. I feel full of holes”. And to fill these gaps, answer the questions still pending, “one day, I will go to Algeria”she assures.
The question of immigration, family heritage and transgenerational transmission has, of course, already been addressed many times in the theater. But One day I will go (and it will be good) also reveals a touching self-quest, full of freshness and hope, without judgment or resentment, which can resonate in each of us.
→ Brussels, Le Rideau, from 14 years old, 1h10, until January 24. Info and res. at 02.737.16.01 or on https ://