Novak Djokovic added a new record to his impressive collection this Wednesday. The Serbian became the player with the most Grand Slam matches in history, reaching a remarkable total of 430, as he took to the court for the second round of the Australian Open in Melbourne. He surpassed the previous record held by retired Swiss legend Roger Federer.
These two players were tied with 429 matches each, taking into account their participations in the four Grand Slam tournaments (Australian Open, Roland Garros, Wimbledon and US Open). Djokovic now boasts an impressive record of 379 wins and 51 losses in these competitions, giving him a success rate of 88.1%. In comparison, Federer has accumulated 369 wins and 60 losses, achieving a success rate of 86%.
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“Grand Slams, of course, are the cornerstones of our sport. They mean everything to tennis history. These are definitely the most important tournaments,” Djokovic commented on Wednesday. “I just feel lucky to break a new record, I think, today. »