In Casalnuovo di Napoli, the local Tenenza carabinieri arrested Simone Carbone, a 24-year-old from the location already known to the police, for escape, resistance and injury. The man, despite the precautionary measure, walked away from his home and entered a bar with a baseball bat. The 24-year-old young man, for no apparent reason, first attacked the establishment’s shopkeeper with the bat who had asked him what he was doing with this tool, then bit his ear. After the attack, the 24-year-old returned home and there the carabinieri found him and arrested him. During the operations, one of the soldiers, while trying to block the man, was violently pushed. The trader was transferred to hospital with a guarded prognosis but is not in danger of death. For the rifleman, 5 days of prognosis. The arrested person is awaiting trial.
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