Yesterday, in the Mobility committee of the Walloon parliament, MP and municipal councilor Christie Morreale asked if the date of April 15 was confirmed for the commercial entry into service of the tram. Minister Desquesnes responded in the affirmative, specifying that from February 11, the “dry run” must start. Which means that from this date, the trams will have to run at their commercial speed (which is not yet the case currently) and on the entire line. This, at the frequencies planned during the operation phase.
A step which must take place in collaboration with the City, its police and its firefighters. “The City of Liège, however, conditioned its authorization to begin the dry run on the provision by Tram’Ardent to the OTW of the safety file by which the independent control body confirms the safe operation of the transport system“, added the minister.
Let’s hope that everything goes well on that front, like the reorganization of the bus lines (a number of which will leave the city center) when the trams welcome their first users.
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