The court also specified that the municipality risked a fine of between 50,000 and 500,000 euros if it again ordered the destruction or removal of regional infrastructure.
The judgment largely supports the position of the Region and severely criticizes the action of the municipality. The judge particularly emphasized that the destruction of the bicycle racks, carried out using a grinder, made the recovery of property belonging to the Region impossible. He also mentioned the disappearance of 17 bicycle racks since the intervention of the municipality, believing that this was largely due to the incitement, direct or indirect, of the municipality following its action.
“The court seems to be unaware of the extent of the phenomenon.
As for the municipality, the mayor indicates that he takes note of this decision. However, Mayor Boris Dilliès (MR) indicated that an appeal could be considered, particularly on the point where the court considers that the management of scooters overflowing drop zones, including on regional roads, falls under the responsibility of the municipality. “The court seems to ignore the extent of the phenomenon and the burden that it represents for the municipalities.declared the mayor, emphasizing the limit of the summary procedure.
Boris Dilliès also deplored the lack of dialogue with regional authorities, both before and after the procedure. “We reached out several times, but without success.”he regretted. However, it seems to be moving. “If we look at the glass half full, the Region now agrees to discuss our demands and our findings.”
-Bicycle hoops removed by the municipality of Uccle: the Brussels Region takes the municipality of Uccle to court
If the municipality of Uccle has already acted in the past on the subject of electric scooters, by removing them from the roads by applying police regulations and justifying this by hindering pedestrian traffic, it now intends to put in place a text allowing to ban dropzones on its territory. “The dropzones are overflowing, it’s complete anarchy.”
In the meantime, the hoops will reappear on the Chaussée de Waterloo. Brussels Mobility expressed its satisfaction with this judgment.