Grandvilliers, Crèvecœur-le-Grand and Songeons were particularly affected by bad weather which fell on the department of Oise. Several floods have been reported.
The snow which fell in abundance on Wednesday January 8 and again this morning of January 9 caused a certain number of floods, mainly in the north of the Oise.
The Oise Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) has just drawn up an initial assessment. He reports overflows in the northern sector of Grandvilliers, in fields and pastures surrounding homes.
We deplore around forty pavilions impacted as well as a garden center in Grandvilliers, rue Frédéric-Petit.
Emergency services also noted two medical evacuations.
“Heavy pumping means will appear in the Grandvilliers sector” indicates the SDIS this mid-morning.
Floods at Crèvecœur college
In Crèvecœur-le-Grand, the Jehan Le Fréron college gymnasium suffered from flooding. This morning the firefighters were at work. A huge expanse of water was visible in front of the facade of the establishment.
-In Let’s Think, it was a flood on the road to Dieppe which caused the evacuation at the very beginning of the day of 57 students and 2 educators who were staying at the boarding school of the Rural Family House.
The director of the establishment, Cédric Demarcy, nevertheless wants to be reassuring: “It was more as a preventive measure. There is no damage and the students who got up very early will be able to return to the premises”.
In Neuville-Moliens this morning. Photo by Amandine Dinette
Snow falls on the Oise: traffic restrictions until Thursday