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Marine Le Pen paid tribute this Wednesday, January 8 to her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the FN who died the day before, by affirming on “many people who love him mourn him here on earth”.
“A venerable age had taken the warrior but had given us back our father”she wrote, in allusion to the complicated relations maintained with her father to whom she had succeeded at the head of the far-right party.
“A lot of people he loves are waiting for him up there. Many people who love him are mourning him down here. Good winds, good seas, dad! »she adds.
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Relations between Jean-Marie and Marine Le Pen had deteriorated significantly over the years after the daughter’s accession in 2011 to the head of the National Front (FN), a party co-founded and led for thirty-nine years by the father. However, family ties were reconnected in June 2018 on the occasion of the patriarch’s 90th birthday.
The funeral on Saturday in La Trinité-sur-Mer
The funeral of Jean-Marie Le Pen will take place on Saturday in his hometown of La Trinité-sur-Mer (Morbihan), the vice-president of the National Rally Louis Aliot said on Wednesday.
The ceremony will be held “in family privacy”said Marine Le Pen’s former companion on TF1. Jean-Marie Le Pen had expressed in the past the wish to be buried in the family vault in La Trinité-sur-Mer.
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The Le Pens remain linked to the Breton town, where the leader of the RN deputies often spends her summer vacations in the family home.
A setting which should remain conducive to contemplation, said Louis Aliot, despite demonstrations by opponents in several cities on Tuesday evening to celebrate the death of the former far-right tribune.
By Le Nouvel Obs with AFP